
Aug 8, 2016

Holding onto gratitude when life lives gives you lemons is no easy feat my friends. I'll be the first to admit, the past few months have challenged my resiliency over-and-over and I've found myself ready to throw in the towel, and admit defeat (in regards to my health) on more than a handful of occasions. Negative thoughts dimmed my light and I haste-fully cowered beneath them. Seeing perfectly curated images, I must say, didn't exactly help either. Knowing I "should" be living life to the fullest, but can't, is an unfortunate reminder of all I've lost.

But that's the funny thing about life, isn't it? We can't have it all! Through this season (however long it may be) I'm reminded happiness isn't found in seeking perfection, but rather, it's up to us to choose joy in-spite of life's imperfections. That belief, right there, has helped me immensely. And I hope it shines a little bit of light on your hardships too. So while I work on restoring my health (which I'd love to share about in a blog post or two) I'm learning to dream from a gentler/more realistic place, embrace gratitude and release the shoulds.

So yes, I'm thankful, thankful to be going through hardship. Thankful I'm being challenged to rethink my beliefs, and thankful I have the courage & strength to fight, this fight. While pretty photos may suggest otherwise, I haven't had an easy life, but each challenge has made and shaped me into the women I am today, and for that, I have gratitude. So much gratitude!

With that, thank you for letting me share my heart, and for all your amazing support!! It's my hope to be on here a little more this week, with a beauty post and outfit. But until then, know you're not carrying life's challenges on your own. We're all in this together!! xo


  1. This is such a beautifully written post!

    xo, Liz

  2. I don't think anybody's life is as easy as their social media feeds make it out to be.

    Health struggles truly suck, and from the times I've been sick I know it must be frustrating to want to do things and be held back by physical conditions. Sending healing vibes your way. It sounds like you have a great attitude about it all though, and above all, just be gentle on yourself—some days it's the only thing you can do. :)

  3. I feel so strongly that challenges, whatever they may be, are what make us who we are, and that a life without adversity is not really a life at all. Health challenges are the worst by far, however - I always admire your strength in the face of everything you have going on and I hope that one day soon, it will all miraculously clear up for you! And in the meantime, very much looking forward to our next date. Happy Monday, V!

  4. What a beautiful post Veronika! I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts and well-wishes your way. It can be hard to stay positive when you're surrounded by everyone's beautifully curated lives on social media, but it's true that isn't a true representation of what others are going through. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. I love what you said about finding joy in life's imperfections... so, so true. Take care, friend!

  5. What a beautiful and truthful post from such a beautiful and truthful place. Whenever I find myself in a low place, I think of Winston Churchill–"When you're going through hell, keep going"–and I am reminded of all the other strong-willed people who've found grace and gratitude in the midst of a challenge. We're are definitely in this with you!

  6. What a beautiful post V. I love you and i know you will get through this.

  7. Sending lots of love to you, sweet friend! Thank you for continually being a bright and shining light in this community, and for always looking on the positive side. Sending healing thoughts your way! I'm always, always here for you! xo

  8. It IS challenging to feel gratitude when life keeps throwing dirt in your face, dearest V...I've certainly dealt with my own share of health issues over the past several years, so I think I know a little bit about where you're coming from. :( But you are so right when you say that we are all in this together; I am still amazed by the generosity and support I've found again and again here in the blogosphere. With that, I am sending you a whole basketful of well wishes; a great big virtual hug; and the reminder to "keep your chin up, Princess...or the crown will slip!!" XOXO
