Here Comes The Rain

Jan 14, 2011


Confession time? I am supposed to be working but somehow I have ended up signing into my blogger account and am chatting about fashion. Maybe I can blame this one on my fashion doppelganger? Yup, she is my evil twin and spends all of her time photographing outfits and posting them. Me? Oh no, I have been sitting and working at my desk all day. OK! I feel so much better now that we have cleared that up. 

I was also thinking about how I am really excited to start promoting my little blog and get me some followers. Because right now it's just me technically I am talking to myself. And for some reason, I don't feel right about pushing my blog on my friends and family. Can you guys relate? If you have any sage advice about promoting a fashion blog ...pour some of that love my way. 

Ok. Back to the good stuff. Don't you just love cute rain boots? I am so happy to have a picture of this outfit. I will be going out in the rain momentarily and this seems like the perfect thing to wear. I will then be meeting my hubs + friends for dinner, so I will be following my own advice and adding my "above mentioned" evening touches. 

Wishing you all a TGIFFF. It's my new acronym: "Thank God It's Fun Fashionable Friday." Oh and be sure to introduce yourself too.


  1. oh i love your rain boots!!! i seriously need to a get a cute pair like that and your leather jacket looks awesome!!

  2. Hey :)

    I have no tips for you because I have never promoted my blog haha. I have no idea where my followers come from! I actually had my blog for years (it was non-fashion related and most of it has been deleted) and I literally had 2 followers who were friends of mine.

    This past June I turned it into a fashion blog and i've slowly built a readership. I know some bloggers do giveaways and ask for people to follow in order to gain followers but I don't plan on doing that.

    Just visit blogs and comment like you have been and you'll start meeting other bloggers.

    So far you're blog is adorable!

    Good luck :)


  3. I think commenting on other blogs is the best way to find readers. But I hate it when people tell/ask me to follow their blog...there's basically a very fine line that shouldn't be crossed though. I beleive if you leave nice honest comments, that's the best way to do it. Twitter is great also.

  4. Yay! Someone else on the front lines battling boring clothes in suburbia!

    Most of my friends and family still have no idea about my blog. Except for when my husband proudly tells them about my "international fashion blog" . . . thanks honey. If only the world could see me through his eyes, right?.

    When I first started it was strictly an excuse to get dressed with a newborn in the house. My followers came to my blog through me making comments on others' blogs. Long comments. I can't help it.

  5. I just started a blog in slight affiliation with my jewelry shop at (from the looks of the necklace you made yourself, you should start your own shop's a great website). I'm really interested in trying to grow my blog audience from what it is now(virtually zero haha)...if I find any cool info, I'll send it your way as well. :)


  6. I love your outfit and again your hair is gorgeous!
