New Beginnings

Sep 13, 2012

It’s been so gorgeous out! With fall approaching, we're having the most incredible bright pink sunsets and the air has started to turn a little crisp. Mornings are spent piling on the cozy knits and curling up with hot steamed vanilla milk. Yum! I’m slowly getting more & more excited for the season ahead. To me, fall always feels like a fresh start - the world seems full of endless possibilities with the promise of new beginnings. Plus, I can’t wait to take blog photos during such a beautiful season!

I received this gorgeous top from PB&J Boutique! I love the girly and slightly boho vibe of it, the embroidered flowers & open back are such pretty details. I’ve also been pairing it with pencil skirts and summer shorts. And, I’m eying their tie front top - the colours & bird print are so lovely... I can’t imagine a more perfect blouse for fall! I'm definitley adding it to my [growing] must have list! ;)

This week has been a real mix. We were hit with some unexpected financial stress (never fun) but thankfully everything has been resolved, phew! I’m also tapering off my medication, which is leaving me feeling super fatigued, and well, like I’d rather be in bed snuggled up to my pets than face the big world. But this weekend I’m looking forward to getting out and doing some fall shopping + heading down to the ocean for a picnic, and spending lots of time with my hubby. Always the perfect cheer me up! Happy almost weekend, friends!

Outfit Details:

Givin Top - c/o PB&J Boutique
Avedon Skinny Jeans - Citizen of Humanity
Fine Feather Necklace - c/o Lisa Leonard Design
Jeffrey Campbell Trudeau Wedge - ShopBop


  1. How's your health, Veronika, any news on that front? Been thinking about you a lot lately, hope everything is ok. Kisses

  2. you look amazing! Hope your health is ok, sending positivie thoughts and prayers your way! xo

  3. Glad things are looking better with your health!

  4. Very girly and cute top, love it!

  5. You look prettier than ever dear friend!

    I'm sure Fall will be a better season for you, no more illness and no stress at all! That's what I wish for you anyways :)

    Take time to rest and enjoy the moment, the big world can wait!

    Virginie xo

  6. love your top. it's so pretty. hope you feel better. x

  7. such a pretty outfit, lovely blouse top. And i like this wall it makes a great backdrop,lol!
    Hope you're feeling better hun, you take care and have a wonderful weekend!xx

  8. I'm really glad everything got resolved - financial stresses are the absolute worst. And I also really love the top, it's super pretty on you.

    Courtney ~

  9. I love this simple and feminine outfit, especially the top! You look gorgeous!

    xo Caroline

  10. You look FANTASTIC! love this look on you! Hope you and the hubby have a great weekend♥♥

  11. Love this simple look, that blouse is really pretty and the hat works perfectly with it. Sounds like a very lovely weekend with the hubs!

  12. You look absolutely lovely!!! It's been downright frigid here in Utah, especially in the early morning. Today is mine and Jen's five year wedding anniversary, so that is wonderful! Other than that though, everything's been kind of bleh - ran out of my OCD/depression meds because of our damn family doctor messing up my order and pulled my neck/back!

  13. Love the detail on that top, so pretty!
    xo Cara

  14. I love how you look like you're up to something in the first photo! :)

  15. I can't wait for fall, which wont come to the desert of California (where I live) anytime soon unfortunately. Love this outfit. I've been trying to find a hat like this for months!

    xo Emily,

  16. What a cute outfit! Have a fun wkend with the hubb!

  17. I love the pretty detail on the back of the top! Autumn is definitely a time for change, especially this year as I'll be starting uni! x

  18. That is the perfect blouse for Fall. I love it on you! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better and weening off your medication, but sorry you're feeling so tired. :( I hope you feel 100% better very, very soon.


  19. You look lovely! xo, Christina

  20. veronik, what a lovely delicate & feminine blouse! i hope your medication tapering goes well, & you continue to heal. :)

  21. Your outfit looks amazing, that top is beautiful. And I think the hat really adds lots of personality. I know how you feel a little- financial problems are no stranger to my life haha but somehow we always pull throw. And I've been having some medication ups and downs as well, but again- somehow we always pull through. Congrats on getting up and facing the day and looking great while you do it!

  22. really pretty top and that hat looks so cute on you ... you have such great hair by the way!!

  23. So sweet! You really look so lovely in hats!
    Have a fun weekend!
    <3 Kastles

  24. You look great! Im always excited for Fall,but I always feel like it comes to fast or I just want to last forever.
    Hope you feel better and wishing you the best. :)

  25. you wear the boho femme chic vibe so well; must be your attitude and those long luscious locks!

    snuggling in the cool of the early morning with coffee and pets.... so ideal in the fall! hope you can relax a bit and come off the medication smoothly; side effects are the worst.

  26. I'm so so happy to hear you're doing better - weaning off meds is never fun, but I'm totally confident you'll be feeling all better once the whole process is done! And you're looking absolutely stunning here - again, you look especially svelte lately and these jeans are perfection on you! Hope I get to see your lovely face soon and have an amazing weekend love!

    Alex xoxo

  27. Fall always feels like a fresh start to me too, I love it. That top is so pretty, especially with the embroidered details! Happy almost-weekend! :)

  28. Girl you are getting so skinny! Look at those toned arms and lean legs! I'm happy for you. I've been tring to do WW counting. Slow and steady wins the race right?

  29. This is so cute! I love the detail on your top!


  30. I say this all the time.. but you are so pretty!! I also have a slight obsession with your wedges! xo

  31. Happy weekend lovely! Those jeans look amazing on you, hope you enjoy your picnic xo

  32. Sounds wonderful! Going to Vancouver in two weeks...

  33. I hope things continue to get better for you! Have a wonderful weekend, sweetie. Oh, and you have the best legs for pants, by the way!!

  34. Your mornings sound heavenly, and I'm glad things are going well–it's always the best feeling when things work out just as you hoped they would!

  35. This is such an effortlessly perfect outfit. Gorgeous.

    Hope your weekend is good!

  36. Veronika, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.Hope you feel better soon.Despite everything you look absolutely gorgeous. I really like how you styled up this lovely blouse.
    Glad to hear that you're excited about Fall. Oh, me too.These two weeks here in Ireland is bless- sunny and warm.I have to say we didn't get much of a Summer here.
    Can't wait to see what you will buy for Fall.
    Take care!

    xoxo Ra

  37. That top is really cute. Fall always makes for good pictures because of the pretty leaves.

  38. Glad you are slowly starting to feel better!

  39. I absolutely loved your top :)

    Love <3

  40. You are looking so lovely as always in this pretty, casual ensemble, Veronika! Those Avedon jeans fit you like a glove; definitely my favourite cut from Citizens of Humanity :) So glad to hear that you're feeling better and starting to be able to taper off your medications... Hopefully the process isn't too arduous and you're back to your old self soon!

  41. Ah man, the way you describe fall is making me excite for it to fully arrive! Haha, and some hot drinks to sip on in the mornings is the BEST way to wake up ♥
    I love this pretty little blouse and how you styled it. Your fedora is just adorable on you! :)
    Glad to hear you're tapering off the medication. Its tough, but it means you'll have strength on your own soon!
    Have a fantastic weekend, sounds like it's shaping up to be a great one for you :)

    Enter to win a $40 voucher to InDressMe!
    Trendy Teal

  42. Well, you look darling and I'm glad to hear you are ok aside from the sleepiness! :) Yay!

    Nook & Sea

  43. You are adorable. I always love your photos.

    That top. Love it!

    xoPatricia Lucia

  44. Love this look on you - and an ocean picnic to look forward to - how wonderful!!!

  45. Aw sounds like it is officially fall for you over there now!

    xo Jennifer

  46. um, this post could also be called ten-points fab cos it's so damn fine! love the hat, blouse and black jeans together Veronika. this is exactly why I keep coming back (plus i adore the be-jezzus outta ya!) and scratching at your post for more!!

    i've also got a little excitement going over falls arrival especially with the awesome warmer temps we've been granted for a short time more. gotta check out this PB&J hot spot, sounds like something i'd really dig....bird print, you don't say. well, i'm going to scour the joint asaps.

    glad you got things resolved on the $ front and hope that good things will continue while you're coming off the meds. that's always a crazy time for our bods to adjust.

    cheers to a fab weekend lovely, i hope all is swell + swish. ♥

  47. Thank you so much for such a cute comment, i love your blog you look so nice in the photos so I follow you
    I'll be very grateful if you could follow me back

  48. You look so adorable! I love your necklace. :) And I agree, lately the sunsets have been incredible.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog!


  49. You look lovely as always! I adore that embroidered top- it is so you! :)
    I'm glad that things are working themselves out and slowly getting back to normal for you :). I hope things continue to go up for you guys!

  50. Looking so pretty and such a glow about you! Good luck with everything! :) x

  51. I love your simple style! Really, I'm continually inspired :)

    I'm really looking forward to fall weather too. I love taking outfit pictures with the pretty colored leaves, too bad it's such a short season though!


  52. Glad that everything is resolved. The tank is really lovely, and I love the necklace as well. I'm excited for autumn weather.

  53. so cute! fall does feel like starting anew :)

    Steffys Pros and Cons

  54. Just gorgeous as always, V! That hat is simply adorable and that top is so pretty and delicate!!

    I am sooo excited for the upcoming Fall Season...yay for new beginnings :)


  55. Glad to see things are starting to look up. Make sure to rest and take care of yourself! I love your cute boho tank and that great hat! Get well Veronika!

  56. I love how fresh and crisp this look is. You look beautiful.

    <3 Melissa

  57. Just started following your blog.
    Always love a good fedora look!

  58. I definitely share your sentiments about fall. For me I think it has something with the trees shedding their leaves and preparing for a new season. That just sort of rubs off on me.

    That is a very beautiful top! I'm always in awe of embroidery. It's so intricate and almost like a work of art.

  59. love that top and the necklace. For me Fall could stay just a little longer with its colors and leave less time for the grey winter months without snow!

  60. I love the hat! It's such a versatile one! Where did you get it?? (I apologize if you already answered this question and I missed it somewhere) :)

  61. Wow Great outfit.Simple but you look super cute in this your hat.
