Beach Date

Sep 17, 2012

Here's a little peek into our beach date/weekend. On Sunday evening when the temperatures cooled, Martin & I headed down to one of our favourite ocean-side parks. It's about a 20 minute drive from our home and situated in a semi-rural community, which has the most amazing hiking + horse trails scattered throughout. Have you guys been horseback riding?! It's something I've always wanted to try!

Wishing you guys a happy & smooth Monday! :)

Lots of love,


  1. Really beautiful pics!
    looking great :)
    that dog is suoer cute.

  2. this looks like SO much fun - your pup is a TOTAL cutie - i love seeing dogs in blogs. and i love those boots

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  3. i love early autumn days, when the air is crisp but the sun is bright; ideal for exploring along the water's edge!

  4. Love the photos! looks like you guys had a great evening!

  5. It's nice to see you out and about ;)

  6. I've been riding a few times when I was younger and really enjoyed it!

    Courtney ~

  7. Got to (sheepishly) admit, I've never been horseback riding either, and its something almost everyone around here does!

    You look like you had a nice, relaxing, fun time!

  8. I went horseback riding ONCE, and it was in a very tame way at that. Haha, at this camp I went to, we took a horse trail as a group with some well-trained horses that pretty much followed each other. But I still count it, and it was such a fun experience! :)
    Anyway, great photos Veronika, looks like a good, relaxing weekend.

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    Trendy Teal

  9. I got to go horseback riding a few weeks ago and I loved it! I think I rode it wrong for a few minutes because I was completely sore afterwards! You two are so gorgeous together and I am glad that you had a good time!

  10. I grew up horseback riding, and its definitely something people should do at least once! Theres really nothing like traveling through nature on the back of a horse, no matter what your surroundings are.

  11. Sounds like a wonderful time. Lovely pictures and beautiful spot.

  12. Really pretty pictures! love them :)

  13. What a lovely idea for a date! I love going to the beach any time. And the last time my fiance and I went to the beach, there were horses to rent and ride down the sand, and I SO wanted to do it! Someday!

    Such pretty pictures. I love your boots!

  14. Your beach date sounds like so much fun! I wish I lived close to a beach :) Horseback riding would be a great date too! I used to ride when I was younger, but it's been way too long.

  15. That's where I grew up! Beautiful pictures...brings back many fantastic memories :)

  16. Such a dreamy date! Lately I've been thinking about taking riding lessons–it looks like such a soothing, wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

  17. So cute! Where is this? Is it North Vancouver-ish? It doesn't look like White Rock or Ladner...


  18. Great pictures! They have a very whimsical feel to them :)
    I also LOVE your outfit! Looks very fall-y haha

  19. This looks like such a cozy happy day, very cute

  20. So cute, looks like you had a great time! x

  21. I've never been horseback riding, however, I love horses!lol
    I'm glad you had an awesome time this Sunday. Sometimes it's nice to know that you can have a nice time by just hanging out and relaxing. Good times!

  22. I love to horseback ride! Actually took lessons in elementary school then switched to soccer (haha). My husband's family and I took an amazing trail ride when we were in Park City, Utah. So beautiful! I recommend trying it out at least once! Cute pics, Veronika!

    Nook & Sea

  23. Love this! So good to see you out and about and doing well. You and Martin's little day trips always have me jealous - I need to wrangle Matt into more! Hope I get to see your face soon love and that you're doing well on the mend!

    Alex xoxo

  24. Looks like you three had such a fun time. I have been horseback riding and I love it. It is such a relaxing and run experience.

  25. great pictures, very inspirational! Nice blog! Would you like to follow eachother? Kisses from Portugal!

  26. oh it's happiness to see these iPhone pics Veronika! did Martin get a fresh haircut? he's looking super dashing, gotta say!! and Scout, as usual, steals my heart entirely too much. gosh, i want a puppeh so bad right now, who am i's an endless desire!

    yah to beach dates and all the serenity they bring. yups, been horseback riding and it's sort of a dichotomy b/c in my younger years it was awesome but once, a while back, i was in a serious sitch and it scared the shiz out of me. i did get back on a horse when we rode in Jamaica on the beach though and man alive, best time EVER! i say give it a go but make sure the horsey is happy with it's enviro, i think my mistake was the poor fella was an unloved and too ridden thing.

    oh, by the way, you mentioned to let you know about any upcoming art installations. we're going to an opening this Friday for a friend, here's the deets - Perched - text me if you're interested. xo ♥

  27. Looks like a fun day with your adorable family!

  28. oh horseback riding is fun! veronika, i like your boots. :)

  29. Cuuuutie pup! (And the couple ;) ) thank you so much for your lovely comment on my bunny post, so glad you came by! And so glad I found your blog, love your style!! :)

  30. You know how I feel about any post that involves Scout - that's a big win in my book :) In all seriousness, it looks like you and Martin have been taking full advantage of the lovely scenery around where you live. Hope all is well in your little neck of the woods, so to speak ;)
