Look Book: Floral Dresses & Summer Blazers

Jul 16, 2012

Hello! Well, I feel like this dress should have a slightly more chipper story to go along with it, but the last few days have been a bit of a mixed bag. Remember a few weeks back when I mentioned I was under the weather & might have a food allergy?! Yup, I sure do. I ended up making several emergency visits to the hospital after breaking out in hives & unable to breathe. Needless to say, it was unbelievably scary - thankfully, I'm okay now. I am, however, on some super strong medication, so if I look a little dazed in these photos (oh my goodness), my apologies!
Okay, onward & upward. This is one of my favourite outfits as of late. As much as I love pairing dresses & cardigans, for this summer I wanted to find a few alternatives to mix it up a bit, and I loved the idea of adding a crisp blazer. I also bought a cute striped one, which I can't wait to style on the blog! Oh, and you probably already noticed, but I made a few coding tweaks to the blog - it's the last time, I promise. Haha, for a little while anyway... who am I kidding, it's just too darn fun. ;) Hope you're having a great start to your week!
Outfit Details: 
Blazer - Forever 21
Dress - ModCloth
Belt - Gap (similar)
Shoes - Joe Fresh
Curious to see how else I've worn this dress?! Peek here & here!

Lots of love,


  1. Hi, Veronika!
    I ♥ your dress, it's so lovely.
    I'm following your blog hoping to stay connected.
    > www.blog-anapaulaxavier.com
    Kisses from Brazil! *;*

  2. You look great so we don't even notice the medication ;)

    hope you feel better fast!!

  3. That food allergy fiasco sounds terrifying! It's not any consolation at all, but at least now you KNOW what you're allergic too. Whew!

    It's great how this white blazer acts like a picture frame to the floral dress: the neutral jacket draws the eye towards the fun, busy print and really makes the observer take it in. I wonder if I can pull off that same trick with my dresses?

  4. Goodness, I'm glad you're doing better!! How scary! I love this dress paired with the hot pink belt and white blazer. I might just have to steal this idea from ya!

  5. Oh my goodness, feel better soon lovely! Sending lots of love your way. This outfit is definitely one of my favourites that you've put together! It looks brilliant :)


  6. Glad to hear you're OK! I'm sure that was very scary!

    But you look super cute, love the dress and the belt with it!

  7. lovely dress!
    It looks really chic paired with a belt!
    great style!

    If you'd like, check out my blog too!

    Xoxo Lil

  8. You look amazingly beautiful as always♥ The blazer looks so good paired with this dress..Love love love this look!

  9. omg, SO glad you are OK darling! you look soo lovely!

  10. Beautiful look - loving the white blazer and pink belt! Also, I'm glad you're alright now! That's be so scary..


  11. Very cute and girly outfit :)


  12. That dress is lovely! Such a pretty print.

    I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell. I hope you feel better soon.



  13. That dress is lovely! Such a pretty print.

    I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell. I hope you feel better soon.



  14. I'm glad you're okay and you look gorgeous!
    This dress is beautiful!

  15. Oh no!!!! I am so glad that you are ok! What an ordeal! Hope you are getting some time to rest up!

    I love your dress and it is indeed a terrific look. A blazer always adds that certain something doesn't it? Love the hot pink belt too!

  16. That allergy attack sounds super scary - I'm glad you're okay! And I love this dress and blazer pairing, it's super cute.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  17. So sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly! Well, at least you look adorable, eh?


  18. Oh, your hair. I love it so much. On my 8th birthday, my aunt got me a coconut cake without realizing I was allergic. We were camping and it was too dark to see the coconut flecks on my cake, so I ate it like nobody's business. I was rushed to the nearest 24 hour clinic in the woods which was a solid 45 minute drive and given shots. YUCK!! I know how you feel.

  19. I love the floral dress paired with the blazer. I am definitely trying out this combination.
    Penniless Socialite
    Enter My Giveway!

  20. This is a great dress! I absolutely love the pattern.

    I hope that you feel better soon.


  21. pink is such a great color on you...

    Glad you're okay!!! Sounds like it was a scary time, but onward we go!

  22. You look beautiful:) Feel better soon!

  23. Very cute dress and I love those shoes!

  24. So sorry about your allergies; I hope you're feeling better. You look great!

  25. I would love to find a floral dress that look half this good on me. I just don't feel like I pull off floral prints very well.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  26. How scary with the allergies! Glad to hear you are feeling better! :) I love the idea of a summery dress with a blazer, it makes for a great go-to outfit to wear to the office during the summertime! :)


  27. I'm so sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital!!! That's the worst. I hope you're doing a lot better. Thi floral dress is gorgeous and the white blazer is so perfect with it! Love this for summer!!

  28. Gorgeous dress and you look lovely as ever. You don't look like you've been sick at all. Do you know what your food allergy is? How frightening.


  29. I love the white blazer this way ... reminds me I should give that a try more often, thank you!

  30. What a lovely outfit - so feminine, exactly how I like it! Well done! :) I might just have to try something like this myself one day..

    E from Helsinki

  31. Veronika, those medical problems sound scary! I hope you are in good hands and on your way to a speedy recovery! You look gorgeous in these photos... a sweet summer dress with a chic blazer is so perfect!

  32. I am glad to hear that you're doing better and you know what's going on. That is pretty scary.

    I too LOVE pairing a light blazer with summer dresses. I live in Southern California and last week was high 90s - low 100s. It was horrendous. This week is noticeably cooler (still in the low 80s but I'm definitely noticing the 20 degree difference) so I was able to wear a light striped blazer I found the other day. I might have to leave my own blazer until late fall when it gets considerably cooler around here. I can't wait to see what you do with the striped blazer.



  33. Me gusta muchisimo el vetido el estampado es perfecto!!

    un saludo, Mario

  34. On strong medication or not, you look lovely. I love the crisp white blazer! I found a similar one for $5 at Goodwill and from the brand name I knew it was a steal. Also love the striped blazer from F21. Keep up the fun style and get well soon :)

  35. Looking lovely! I'm sorry to hear about your allergy problems, but at least you're figuring it all out. I hope you feel better soon. I love that little floral dress with the fun belt and flats, too. :)

  36. I know this is going to seem like an odd detail to fixate on, but I cannot get over how much I love that neon pink belt! I noticed it when you had it on yesterday and happened to be looking through snaps from Alex's going away, where I noticed it again. It's a gem, and it seems to go with everything! I love the way it looks with this pretty floral dress of yours. Such a lovely mix. So glad you were able to stop by yesterday, and hoping that by the next blog post you'll be feeling 100% again :)

  37. Aw sorry about the allergies :(
    You look super cute anyway

  38. Such a beautiful outfit, love the dress and the belt - totally adorable <3

    If you have a free moment I would so appreciate if you could check out my new post: Bare Escentuals Product Review

    The Urban Umbrella



  39. Such a pretty dress...I can't wear blazers right now....wayy to hot...but this is some inspiration for once it gets a bit cooler

  40. You have great hair and this outfit is sweet! So glad you're feeling better. I know how much hives suck!


  41. Oh my goodness, so glad you're all right! You look beautiful, as always!

  42. Such a cute dress - love the addition of the pink belt, it looks so sweet.

    Glad to hear you're okay..!



  43. Oh my goodness, that sounds so scary! I'm glad you've got it figured out :) I love the color story in this outfit!


  44. wow i am so sorry about your allergy, and glad youre okay!

    Steffys Pros and Cons

  45. So happy to hear you're okay ... on another note. LOVE the blazer. LOVE


  46. What a gorgeous, sweet print!

    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  47. So I just stumbled onto your blog and I am OBSESSED!!!

  48. Such a pretty, pretty floral print! Sorry to hear about your scary experience...glad you're ok...stay away from that food, lady!

    <3 CAMBRIA

  49. Oh my gosh, what a week! I am happy to hear you are on the mend.

    This dress is lovely, the pink belt with it is so perfect!
    xo Cara

  50. Allergies are scary. Yikes. I'm glad things are kind of finally settling for you--no more being sick, okay? Also, you look great in this dress-belt-cardigan ensemble. (:

  51. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your allergies and trips to the hospital! Hope you're feeling better now though.

    I love the dress and the way you added the neon belt to it. Have a lovely week!

  52. I hope you found out what you were allergic too! HOW scary! Glad you're ok.


    lydia from vintage2vogue


  53. Oh no, that'd be so scary! Glad you found out what caused it though.
    This is such a pretty, girly outfit. The white blazer adds a nice, crisp touch. Adorable touch with the pink belt! :D

    Trendy Teal
    Enter to win a Stitched + Adorned Giveaway!

  54. Feel better! At least you know what is now, so you can avoid it, right?

    Loving the palette of this outfit. And yes, the crispness of a blazer is totally awesome!

    Et tu, tutu?

  55. Oh, how scary!! I am glad you know what is going on now and at least can avoid the very thing that caused it!

    You look as lovely as can be. I adore this dress paired with the clean, white blazer :)



  56. Ah that dress is beyond stunning on you Veronika! Especially with the hot pink belt, love how it picks up the tones in the floral print. Looking beautiful as ever pally, missing you all in Van :)

    Alex xoxo

  57. Oh gosh! Food allergies? How scary! good thing they got you feeling better now.

    This dress is a beauty, I would have never thought to pair is with a blazer (seeing as I have none!) but it looks so radical!

    xoox Mama wolf.

  58. the belt addition is perfection. Adore this. Amazing post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post for LaurenConrad.com. xo


  59. Glad to hear you're doing well after your health scare!

    You look absolutely fabulous here. I love the pattern on this dress, and adding the blazer was the perfect touch!


  60. Oh no, I hope you are feeling bette now! You look gorgeous in your photos, as always. I love the idea of pairing a fitted blazer with my dresses, but I will have to wait for Fall, as the heat here is insane!

    What Lola Wants

  61. How scary! Have you ever considered or heard of Naturopathic means to fight your allergies? I used to be so allergic to my cat and to dogs that I would break out in hives and not be able to breathe (I'd wake up at night gasping for breath), but after a treatment at my Naturopathic doctor (I'm talking ONE visit per allergy!) I am able to cuddle my cat with absolutely no side effects whatsoever.
    Plus, I don't have to take drugs, there were no needles involved, and the change is permanent! It's been almost two years now and I have yet to display allergies to my cat again.
    You do have to be careful who you go to, though, as a lot of Naturopathic doctors can get a little weird. I had an experience before we found my doctor with a woman who had devised her own methods, which did NOT work, rather than following the original way to get rid of allergies Naturopathically. If you lived around here I'd totally recommend you to my doctor! It seems like she's just a miracle worker. :)

    I hope you can beat your allergies comfortably!

    And, you look beautiful! I love that dress on you.
    Sorry this comment is so long!

  62. Cute! I love the pop of neon pink with the belt! I do hope you feel better pretty lady!
    <3 Kastles

  63. lovely dress :D


  64. Yikes! Glad to hear you're okay!

    I love mixing a floral dress with a blazer. So cute! :)

    Cup of Tea

  65. oh my, that just sounded like a page you wanna rip out of your book of life and burn it to the ground! what a fright Veronika, i'm so sorry you had to go through something that traumatic and i'm sure completely energy sucking too. at least you now have a handle on things and can work around another reaction with diet, etc. glad to have read on and see you feeling better and better :) keep it up!

    love the darling little floral pattern and always am in a swoon over petite pink belt. how handy are the skinny, candy-colored belts this year?! they make any outfit come to life and yours is tailored femininity perfection. xo ♥

  66. Just found your blog, and I love your style!

    Wanna follow each other through GFC / Bloglovin'?

    Hope to see you around! :)

    Love, S

  67. Eek, I sure hope you're feeling better now darling! Sounds like such a nightmare :( We'll have to chat about this next time we hang out! On a brighter note, I adore this look and cannot get over how much I love that pop of colour in the belt. And that crisp white blazer is the perfect finishing touch. Fab as always :)

  68. hope you are feeling better and the allergy is not too bad. Hope you can still eat lots of food and don't have to be too cautious. I am lactose intollerant and that is so difficult as lactose is in almost any food these days. Still, it's no allergy, i ONLY get stomach problems.
    I really love the idea with the blazer, need one as well that looks as cute as yours!!

  69. I love that dress and I want a white blazer now. Look so beatuiful! :) I hope you feel better now. Sounds scary to me. It's so nice you get to wear blazer while us here in Kansas we are sure suffering from drought. Too darn hot and humid!
