TxSC: Blowfish Breakfast, Conference & What I Learned!!

Mar 22, 2012

For my final day in Austin, Texas, I attended a super fun & laid back breakfast with Amy and Elise, both of whom work for Blowfish and were an absolute dream to meet, along with my dear friend Jenni of Story of My Life, and Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky. Yay! My overall impression of the blogging community?! The nicest people you will ever meet!! I couldn't have felt more at home! :)
(Left to right: Elizabeth, Jenni, Amy, Roxy, Lauren, and Tieka below!)
I then headed to the conference. This year's theme was thinking beyond your blog, and recognizing that not everyone wants to be a full-time blogger. Most bloggers have full-time jobs and choose to document their outfits/lives because it's such an inspiring community. The conference also focused on bringing the most authentic you to your blog, allowing yourself to dream, and creating genuine connections with your readers, or customers if you are a small boutique owner. I absolutely love that point of view on blogging!
(Left to right: Diya, Veronika, Julie, Kristina and below: J, Jen, Elizabeth, Kyla)  
Kendi delivered a strong & inspiring message during her keynote speech: realizing your purpose is much greater than your blog, and you have the ability to make it whatever you want it to be! We are all on a path and no two paths look the same, and that's OK. We are here to find our own unique voice, point of view, and connect with a life that's authentic and reflects our passions. Kendi challenged us to dream bigger, to dream beyond our blogs! One of my favourite quotes from her was, "Comparison is the thief of joy!" It's not about what everyone else is doing... it's about what you want to be doing!
Well that's a wrap, guys! I can't stress enough how inspiring it was to hear so many bloggers talk about their journey. For me, this conference couldn't have come at a better time. I feel armed with loads of inspiration and I look forward to sharing it all with you on the blog. Lastly, be sure to take a peek at the video - this was one of my favourite panel discussions. Happy blogging everyone! xo
Outfit Details:
Sunglasses - Marc Jacob
Cardigan - American Eagle
Dress - Club Monaco 
Clutch - Aldo
Ballet Flats - Aldo 


  1. I'm so glad you had a great time! And this was such a great summary post.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  2. Veronika, this is such a lovely review! It makes me wish that I could have been able to go to the conference too.

    I love the quote from Kendi that you mentioned, that "Comparison is the thief of joy!" I have experienced it myself, where I was trying to do what seemed to me like every other blogger I knew of was doing, but in fact I ended up feeling stressed, like I wasn't doing enough no matter how hard I tried, and blogging was becoming more of a chore. Luckily, I decided to change things a few weeks ago, and though my posts are more sporadic and people aren't visiting as often, I'm more than ok with it because blogging is fun again, which is how I always wanted it to be.

    Happy spring! We've been having such wonderful, warm weather over here this week, it's incredible!

  3. You look adorable as usual Veronika and I love that jumping photo! I am so jealous that we never have anything fashion exciting here in CO but maybe one day I will get the funds and know how to go anyways. Love your skirt m'dear!

  4. It looks like you had a great time! Thank you so much for sharing, I so wish I could have been there - what a great theme to concentrate on. You look fabulous in all of your pictures. Saw your tweet last night and hope you're feeling better!
    PS - I stole your button b/c I just love your blog.

  5. I feel like this conference was such an amazing opportunity to learn about growth and balance in particular, even just hearing about the messages through your blog or on twitter have helped me so much! And you look beautiful as ever in these pics - love how you rock hats!

    Alex xoxo

  6. so glad you had such a great time, lady! the photo of you and tieka is so cute. and i love kendi's outfit, and she's so wise - comparison is such an enemy when blogging!

    your little purse = so cute :)

    - Marie
    So What If I Like Pretty Things

  7. absolutely adore Kendi. i'm sure she was amazing!!!
    and definitely loving this idea of bringing the most authentic you to your blog :)
    xo TJ

  8. Great Post V...I loved the quote from Kendi! So glad you had a great time and you looked fabulous as always! xx

  9. I've really enjoyed reading some of the recaps! Seems like everyone had a great time. I feel like I've gotten a little second-hand inspiration myself :)

  10. Beautiful outfit! I love your sunglasses!

  11. What a great event" :)

    The pictures look lovely!!



  12. I agree! I have met so many great people from the blogging community! It is amazing to me how kind and supportive people are!

    Lindsey Turner

  13. I love the second picture!!
    kisses from Prague
    Have a great day!

  14. Were you fraught with indecision over what to wear? How does one pack for an event like that?

  15. Enjoyed the pictures and the video! Sounds like a really interesting conference.

    Step into Estherina's World

  16. what a wonderful dress you are wearing, i really love it! and you look so fabulous in it!
    It must have been great to attend this event, I would be so happy if something similar existed also here!

    xxx Anita

  17. Sounds like a perfect brunch, and I love the topic of the lectures–here's to appreciating this wonderful community and thinking beyond the blog!

  18. Cute outfit! Glad that it was a good experience. I had no idea that was happening, and I live about an hour away from Austin. Nice to know, though!


  19. looks like you had so much fun! i hope i can make it next year. and that jumping picture is so cool!

  20. Ahh, reading your detailed posts on the conference makes me wish I could go to one! That must've been such an amazing time :)
    Kendi certainly can give a quote. I really like that. Comparison is the thief of joy. So true!
    I love the skirt you wore, especially paired with that adorable leopard clutch!
    Oh, and the jumping shot made my day xD Haha, it makes me laugh to see how us bloggers leap. Everyone is jumping all crazily, and then there's Elizabeth who looks so calm and graceful as she "floats".

    Trendy Teal

  21. what great forums you attended. I love how she said it was so important to truly understand that no two paths are the same. SOOooooOoo good.

    i was hoping you would stop by my blog's first giveaway! i've been sending it to all the lady bloggers i look up to!


  22. holy, watching the video was completely enlightening. we are all so similar in our feelings and struggles with balance. what a great validation of spirit!! you must have been just trying to infuse every bit of it into your cells, amazing stuff lades...amazing!

    thanks for sharing the vid Veronika - i hung on every word and all these marvelous photos are brilliant! loved the jump-jump :))))

    did you leave some claw marks on the way out of town?! something like this, an experience so surreal and fulfilling, who would ever want it to end. yes and more yes to that comparison quote, i've heard it before and someone said it should be tattooed on their body. i agree! great to be reminded about it continuously. good show!

    i'm beyond jells that you got to meet Jenni in real life, i adore that girl. she is a special spirit...as are YOU. community bloggers united, what a way to be. plus you and Tieka look like sistas, great shot! xo ♥

  23. thats so amazing(:
    glad you feel inspired again and ready to go! sounds like i need to go to one of the conferences.
    and i have to agree i love hearing from other bloggers. (:

    xo kaitlin

  24. I have to admit, Veronika, my very favourite part of this post is the jump shot of all of you... Because it's so true; no blogger breakfast (or other meal, really!) is complete without the jump shot :) I'm so glad to hear that the Texas Style Conference was such a positive experience for you. And although I resisted to send you with a list of questions for all of the amazing women there, I will want to ask you a million questions about them all, and about the event, when I next see you in person :)

  25. I love that jumping shot, that's too cute! Such a classic blogger shot :) And I love that dress, it has such pretty detailing!

  26. Such wonderful advice! I love that quote from Kendi :) I have so enjoyed experiencing this conference vicariously through all of you bloggers!


  27. And what did I learn from the jumping photo session? You're not supposed to spread your legs wildly because you WILL look like a crazy person and way less graceful than everyone else... hehe!!

    Happy weekend pretty lady!

  28. looks like you had so much fun and were busy from waking up to going to sleep...what a great trip!
    xo Cara

  29. Super recap. I love what Kendi said about your blogging/career ambitions. Comparing your status or goals to match up with others is something I feel we naturally strive towards because we see success. But it's so refreshing to hear someone of Kendi's background to say that - do what YOU love! 😊

    Happy Friday to you Veronika.
    Nook & Sea

  30. I love the jumping shot so much! :)

    It was a pleasure meeting you, Veronika, and your husband too! Sorry to see (in your last post) that he was sick. :(

  31. How true, "Comparison is the thief of joy." I try to tell people that comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to get put yourself in a down mood.

    It sounds like such an interesting conference. I enjoy hearing about blogger conferences. =)

  32. Love these photos, especially the jumping shot! Probably the best jumping shot EVER. tehehe!

  33. As expected everyone looks amazing. i love your skirt! so cute! and the jumping shot is great
    Daisy Dayz
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  34. Everything look so interesting


  35. I really like that video you posted... it is hard to not beat yourself up over not getting posts up as timely as you'd like. The video made me feel a little better about it! :)

    Cup of Tea

  36. Bonjour Veronika!

    I really enjoyed this little video, me and Virginie were actually talking about similar stuff when we met up last week, it is nice to see that there are other people with lives outside of their blogs. I work 7 days a week with my part-time job, etsy shop and blog, I just started talking a day off, it is so important to take time for yourself and have a real life ;)

    Have a great week,



  37. Oh thank you for sharing- just what I needed to hear! It's certainly all too easy for me to compare in blogging & of course doesn't lead anywhere. I def love hearing about people's dreams on their blogs too. Looks like a wonderful conference, love the jumping shot : )
