Favourite Things: Pretty Little Flats!!

Mar 23, 2012

I can not wait to start wearing pretty flats again now that spring is here... they are perfect paired with my favourite vintage dress or worn with skinny jeans & a flowy cami! In my world, comfort & adorableness always rule! Go flats!! How do you guys like to wear yours?!


  1. I wear my flats pretty much with everything... but I'm a high heel girl most of the time.

  2. I am a flats addict. I like low heels and wedges but I tend to mostly use flats in my outfits because (as a non car owner) I walk just about everywhere and flats are just better for that kind of lifestyle. I love all the ones you've displayed here.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  3. I wear flats all the time. I'm 5'9", so I don't like to wear heels. LOVING #9!

  4. All so adorable!!! But I never know what to wear with crazy colored flats. I still like to wear my flats in the winter too.

  5. I love love love flats. Especially striped ones like the one in the image. I have received more compliments on a pair of navy and white flats I own than on any other pair of shoes I wear. Love this!

    lacey @ lovely-21

  6. Flats are the perfect spring shoe. I love all of your selections. I've been seriously craving those Seychelles Pansy's. Have a great weekend girlie!


  7. I love wearing flats too... With basically everything!

  8. flats are my faves. mainly because i cannot walk in much else...cute choices miss!

  9. veronika, these are pretty. i own flats, but hardly ever wear them. my feet like padded shoes, or heels better. how weird is that?

  10. i live in flats! i just bought a pair of nine west cap toe flats that i'm wearing with everything!

  11. 7 and 9 are my favorites! Thanks for posting this, I am always on the look out for cute flats. :)


  12. oh my goodness, please let spring get here already! i want to wear flats, too. your choices are magnificent :)

  13. they are all so cute! i love flats, i live in them all spring long!

  14. Eeeep number 9 is my fav :)
    great picks...hope you have a great weekend sweet gal!


  15. All these flats are so lovely! My favorite ballerinas are from Repetto... But considering they cost a pretty penny, I am always on the look-out for some cheaper versions.

    Really, really love pair number 9 (cute!!!), but the leopard & pink ones are very pretty too.

    Have a lovely weekend lady! xo Leonie

    Infamous Floral

  16. I'm really a flats addict, I wear them with all and everything. My feet easily start to hurt in heels, so flats are the perfect alternative for me - thank god I'm quite big, and really don't need high heels.
    The flats you chose are almost all wonderful, there's only one pair I wouldn't wear (no. 3), because I think it has a little "teenie" touch, and I tend to look younger than I am, and "playful" things like that make me look like 15...

    xxx Anita

  17. I love wearing flats with skinny jeans... can't wait til the weather is warm enough to go without socks!

  18. This is going to sound silly, but except in very special cases, I always find heels more comfortable than flats - ballet flats, at least. But hear me out :) I love all of the adorable styles of ballet flats out there (and am particularly found of numbers 4 and 8 in this post), but my mangled former dancer's feet really do not like the way they feel. Good thing I'm short, at least, so I can wear lots of heels!

    Hope you're having a lovely, sunshiney weekend, Veronika :)

  19. I am absolutely loving this crazy warm weather we have been having because it means I can start rocking some of my favorite flats. And I am loving number 2! I might just have to get a pair of my very own, you can never have too many flats :)

    Little Lady Little City

  20. I love number 8!


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  23. Oh cute! Me, too. I need some new fun flats. I especially love numbers 1 and 9. Love 9 since they're open toed and sandals. Great finds!

  24. YES, I have been loving being able to wear skinnies with ballet flats lately! I'm a total flats girl, as much as I love heels, I live & work downtown so walk most places I go, so flats usually win out! I'm loving the little striped pair here, and the seychelles sandals are adorable!

  25. i have been eyeing those seychelles flats FOREVER!!!

  26. my favorite is the pink leopard:))
    kisses from prague

  27. The Seychelles are my favorite, totally on my wish list right now :)

    Virginie xo

  28. Ooh I love flats! I can barely walk in heels haha! I love the second ones (stripey) and the pink and green check ones! So cute!

  29. I LOVE the leopard flat!! I own about a zillion of them, I buy a new one every couple months when my old one gets too worn! :) xoxo
