Shopping My Closet & Other Ah-Ha Moments...

Jun 28, 2011


Hello friends! Hope your week is starting off smashingly!! I was supposed to post this yesterday and then life happened. It’s been all work lately (sheesh) but I’m hoping to sneak off this week and enjoy a mini vacation with the hubs. I long to be computer and iPhone free -ahhh, music to my ears!

And I'm still going strong with my new fashion mantra, "shop your closet!" My AH-HA moment came earlier this week when I found this adorable summer dress in my closet. I've been shopping for something just like it ...ooops, turns out I already owned one. I know, so bad -right?! Tell me I'm not alone on this! Haha, let's see what else I'll dig up. xx veronika


  1. I adore this outfit! I love anything with stripes! And those are really cute shoes too :)

    Hope you have a good week!

    xo, gina

  2. I love the idea of a neon cross body bag with this for the remix option...and I've had the same thing happen to me before involving a cardigan that I was sure I needed to buy to fill a wardrobe hole and then a discovery of said cardigan in my closet!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  3. you look soo cute, and I always love your remix ideas!


  4. Good for you! I'm glad your shopping your closet! I am too just got married and its a must. You look lovely!

  5. I love this outfit. I really like your advice because they always work well


  6. I love this outfit, too. I'm really into stripes these days and I've been looking for the perfect striped cardy. Looks like you found it!! :)

  7. Love..Love..Love this outfit..So adorable V♥♥

  8. i love this! so simple but cute! I Love the stripy cardigan!
    It does happen to me to have similar things in my closet! I buy something and then realize that i have something similar!!
    have a great time with your hubs!

  9. Darling ... I simply adore that stripey cardi on you!

    I have totally had these ah-ha moments ... they usually come when I switch out my winter wear to my summer wear {I store a season's worth of clothes under my bed and when I switch seasons ... it is almost as though I have a whole new wardrobe! :)}

    ♥ Cat brideblu

  10. Oh you are so not alone. i had been looking for a white blazer this summer in every store! and then i just FOUND it in my closet - it made me so happy and i yelled "Ma, i just saved 40$". haha

    P.S.I love how classic your look is, like the remix options too!

    xo Nav

  11. Ahh enjoy your mini vacation with your Hubbs! I need a mini vaca too! You look are totally rockin the bangs, great cut.

    XO Lindsay

  12. I love this look, the cardigan looks perfect over the cute white dress, and I am still really loving those H&M wedges!
    I definitely know the feeling, it is scary how easy it is to forget what I already own! Well done on shopping your own definitely found a gem!
    xo Cara

  13. haha that's really funny. and lucky. you look so cute! your hair looks fab!

  14. ooo! i love that cardi with that dress :) i love finding stuff in my own closet that I thought I didnt have!

  15. I can't believe this gem was hiding in the back of your closet this whole time! This outfit is perfect for summer, but I'm loving the idea of a wide brim straw hat and neon bag. So much inspiration from one post!

  16. A had to be selective when choosing my pieces for studying abroad and a few months ago i almost ordered a light green floral dress online. I was about to press "order" when I realised I had one almost identical back in England- oops!!
    Love this outfit and really love the remix option. Hope to see it soon!!

    Charlotte xxx

  17. you are definitely not alone! too funny. luckily you found it, though, because it's adorable!!!

  18. so jealous of your mini vacation you get to take! and cute outfit! :)

  19. i am embarrassed to say i HAVE done that! hehe! glad you found what you were "shopping" for! :)

  20. LOVE this outfit! I swear... slap a stripe on it and I am totally head over heels! I love this cardigan!!


  21. your stripe cardigan is adorable ! :)

  22. Hah. I definitely need to go through my closet and get rid of some things. Because I'm doing the 30 for 30 right now and have decided that I am way too much of a clothes hoarder. Hehe. It's full of things that I never wear.

    Love the striped cardi :D

  23. I love the outfit and red lips look great on you!

  24. Love the look and love love that little white dress, I have a feeling it is perfect for hot summer days!

  25. Such a cutie! I love the location of this post, so industrial!

  26. This is the most perfect striped cardigan ever! ^^ I have started to remix the things that are in my closet too :) I need to bond more with my clothes, haha ^^x

  27. boo life lol ;)

    I am hearting the cardi
    you look great!

  28. what a pretty little dress! i love how you styled it :)


  29. This cardigan is amazing; how could you forget about it? :) I've totally done that before with shoes!


  30. I love it!!! So chic! XOXO,

  31. I love the striped cardigan! You wear it extremely well.


  32. That's a perfect little dress, I wish I could see the remixed version too. :)

  33. loving the basic black.white.grey!

    i have a lot of similar items in my closet. =)

  34. i adore how you styled the cardigan over the dress! so cute! enjoy your mini vacation!


  35. Ha! I love when I shop my closet and find I have just what I wanted! So lovely!!

  36. i know what you mean...about disconnecting from the internet/phone/anything computer related...i turned my phone off on sunday night (gasp! i know, right?!) it was nice to read a few chapters in my book, watch a few episodes of dexter and just...relax. enjoy your mini-vacay!

  37. Sounds like a perfect weekend getaway! You look lovely!

  38. aww this is so cute. love the stripes and the perfect belt placement!

    come see my engagement pictures Here! :)

  39. Beautiful! Love a belted cardi with a girly girl dress.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    June giveaway

  40. i love the striped cardigan!
    i pulled all my summer dresses out from the back of my closet a few weeks ago and found so many cute floral dresses! it was the best surprise ever!

  41. What a great outfit! And your hair looks extra amazing in these shots! Shopping in your own closet is the way to go! Don't feel bad, I think we all forget about certain pieces we own!

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

  42. "I've been shopping for something just like it ...ooops, turns out I already owned one."

    Oh goodness, is that easy to do! Love love love the LWD paired with a sweet, chunky knit cardigan.

  43. I so know what you mean about finding things in your closet. I just found a couple sweaters that I could have SWORN I left at my parents' house. Oops... What's a girl to do?

    xx Melina

  44. You're definitely not alone! I often forget about things I've stuffed away somewhere only to discover them later and realize they're just what I've been looking for. I can see you've been loving your black H&M wedges as much as your coral ones. Good thing you bought them! ;)

    xo, alison*elle

  45. Love your cardi/dress combo. Hope you have an awesome unplugged weekend! x

  46. I love that lip color on you! you look lovely!

    xo Julia

  47. Hehehe..I do the same thing where I start trying to shop for something identical to something I already own in my closet.

    I love the outfit you came up with!

  48. You are definitely not alone! I'm trying not to buy as many new clothes and use the ones I already have in my closet but it's so hard! I love the dress and the striped cardigan on you!

  49. that dress is absolutely precious :)

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  50. What a cute dress! So funny that you were looking for one just like it and, there it was, in your closet! lol. Usually what happens to me is I give something away, and then want something similar a couple months later! :)

  51. Love this! I do that too, I'll be searching for the perfect something that I already have! I'm working on organizing my closet and going through more online shopping haha


  52. Oh Veronika, I am most definitely guilty of shopping for things I already own! As it is I buy in multiples, and then on top of that I tend to be attracted to the same styles over and over :) You are looking positively adorable in these photos, though- you probably couldn't have found a better white sundress than the one that was already hanging in your closet, and the striped cardigan is such a natural match for it. I love the way the red lip looks on you, too. Just gorgeous! Wishing you sunny skies.

  53. I adore your cardi- the length and stripes are so perfect! I'm thinking I need to find something similar...

    ...Actually I've started to realize I say this about most of your clothes... umm yeah I guess it's safe to say that I want to raid your closet :)

    But I totally understand the shopping your closet concept. Since moving and packing up everything, which meant going through everything, made me realize I have so much and need to get a bit more creative.

    Anyways, great post Veronika!

  54. This is such a cute look, V! I love the striped cardi with that dress, and your H&M wedges add just the right amount of polish... Adorbs! xx

  55. beautiful blog :)
    I'd be happy if you check out my blog and follow if you like. xx

  56. I love the long cardigan - summer dress combo! I'll need to try it too! :)
    This might sound funny but your knees are so nice. :D

    Have a great time off the net! :)

  57. Hope you and hubby have a great weekend techno-free! You look darling. And you're definitely not alone when you feel you NEED something you already have. ;)


  58. I love the striped cardigan.

  59. Oh, I love this outfit - little white dress and striped cardigan?! It's the perfect summer combination in my book :) Can't wait to see what other gems you find in your closet. Until then, have a great (and relaxing!) mini vacation!

  60. This whole look is perfection Veronika! I love the soft tones and how your beautiful hair stands out against the neutral look stunning.

    Haha I have deeeeefinitely had those moments...the most recent one is when I was freaking out because all I wanted was a pair of casual, boyfriend-esque jeans...why was it so hard to find a decent pair...then I went to Ikea and got new clothing storage and I was putting all my things in there...there they were. The perfect boyfriend jeans that I got only last year. Haha You're definitely not alone.

    Alex xoxo

  61. Thank you for leaving a comment, I'm so glad you did because I followed it here and am absolutely in love with your blog :)
    The remix options for every post are SUCH a good idea. And also I have serious hair envy... those bangs are perfection!

  62. This whole outfit looks so effortlessly pulled together! Like you just threw it on and instantly looked fab.

  63. I absolutly adore this outfit. It is perfection! The sweater, dress, necklace, belt, EVERYTHING! Inspiring :)

  64. I love that dress, and I've been on the hunt for a white dress for summer. (I wish there were one hiding in my closet! Lucky :) ) I love the hint of nautical that the stripe cardi adds to the LWD.

  65. haha i did that the other week. glad to see that im not the only one :)
    ps lovin your lip color!


  66. Hi,

    thanks for finding my blog& for your lovely comment. It meant I got to find yours ... :)

    Kelly xo
    Elegantly Academic

  67. beautious: red lips and stripes is classic and you twisted it up with a soft white dress. very pretty! hope you enjoy your mini vaca!

  68. You look great in white, lady! Loving your classic stripes as always! :)


  69. you are so gorgeous dahhhling! The striped sweater was the perfect addition to your dress and can I just say that your lipstick colour looks amazing on you. xo

  70. i wish i could scold you for not knowing you owned itt - but that's pretty much the story of my life. I'm always finding something in the back that "i almost bought the other day". I'm just glad i'm not the only one!

  71. I am loving this outfit. I also have a cardigan like this, never thought to belt it. Thanks for giving me the idea!

    Just followed your blog too. :)


  72. What's even worse is fining that piece you have been shopping for in your closet after all.....with the tags still on it. I will come clean, I have been guilty of that. I do think at a certain level we tend to buy the same type of things over again though, so maybe it's not as unusual as we tend to think?

  73. I feel the same way. I'm taking a hiatus from clothing shopping for a while! I need to figure out what is in my closet and get rid of things too though! You look so precious and adorable as always Veronika! I'm glad you found this dress, it's lovely!

    Meanz (Koi Story)

  74. The length of your cardigan with the dress is so perfect! I need to do a better job of shopping my closet! I get so bored so easily!


  75. adorable! your have s uper cute smile :) ♡, Rosa T.

  76. Such a cute cardigan!
    I really like that you added a belt, something I've been wanting to try. I always just wear my cardigans open.


  77. you always look so stunning babes. Love this look. I really need to shop my closet. I always forget what I have and end up complaining that i have nothing.

  78. I love finding pieces I had forgotten about in my closet!! I love this simple summer dress with that striped cardigan, such a great look

  79. How pretty do you look in this post?! I love how you pull off the black and white tones like this, especially with that pop of color from your red lippy. Also it's so pretty how you styled this striped cardi- usually it's tempting to wear it with jeans and style it that way- but I love how you put it with a flowy white dress. I've really been loving that look when my cardi is as long as/longer than my shorts or my skirt.

    Then I love how you've been shopping in your closet- I've been doing the same thing!! I have so many beautiful things, and I am so attached to them all that I've just been thinking of a million ways to mix and match. It's fun this way! :D

    I hope you have a wonderful tech-free weekend! xx

  80. Adorable pictures, love your lips in that colors, and the cardi is great!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  81. I absolutely believe in shopping your closet! But if I hadn't been a believer already this sweet little dress would have convinced me for sure!

    This cardigan is completely swoon worthy and fits you soooo well :)

    Virginie ♥

  82. Oh no, your not alone! I search and search for something I want, then lo and behold I run across what I'm looking for in my own closet!

  83. U look so lovely dear :)
    ur cardigan is wonderfull!
    lovely post.really like ur blog dear.i am following now.hope u'll follow me back :)

  84. you've hit the mark for me lades! and this shop your closet mantra is GOOOOOD!! i really have to take an afternoon to dig through and sort out my ultra messy closet, it ain't no pretty sight; that's for sure but you most certainly are.

    yah to a little tech free get-away with M and also a bit less of a work load. sounds like you are going strong so a break time should be called, nice one! ♥

  85. Love this outfit. I tend to do the same thing. I get the idea for an outfit in my mind and then immediately scour the stores trying to find just the thing, only to realize a little later that I have it in my closet.

  86. I always feel like these long cardigans are hard to wear because I don't find them very flattering on my body, but this look is great on you! Maybe I should rethink them!

  87. The Cardi looks really nice, and i love the white dress. It definetly is a different change from jean jackets! I love my jean jacket but I really think sometimes it tones a pretty dress down way too much.

  88. I love how this look is slightly monochromatic--it's so inspiring! And the remix option sounds so cool! It's so much fun to imagine the other ideas you post!


  89. Adorable dress! I want a white summer dress so badly!
