Sunday Afternoon, Blogger Meet-up!

Jul 24, 2012

Last Sunday, I met up with some of my favourite gals for a mid afternoon blogger meet-up. Yay, it was so much fun! We met at Cee's city condo, swapped back some of our clothes, nibbled on desserts + drank sparkling water... perfect for me, as I'm trying to be super disciplined and not drink any alcohol. Go me!! ;) Anywho, here are some quick little snaps from our day. I wore my polka dot pencil skirt, which seems to be on constant rotation at the moment - it's become my fave summer staple!
Every time I see the girls, I'm reminded of what wonderful friendships we have grown. It's moments like this, that I'm so happy for my blog! I remember when I first discovered fashion blogs, I excitedly shrieked out to Martin: "Oh my gosh, look, these girls post about their outfits... ah, they even get together for blogger meet-ups." Haha, yup I was hooked, funnest thing ever! What got you guys into fashion blogging?!
Other than that, I just celebrated my birthday this past weekend. Gulp, another year older, but in all honesty, I've never been too bothered about aging/getting older. I'm so excited for this upcoming year and it feels like so many exciting changes are taking place. I've been working hard on getting healthy, reviewing my career goals... and Martin & I are hoping to start a family soon. So, that's huge! I'm also excited to slow things down a bit. I tend to be such a workaholic - often loosing sight of just living & having fun. So cheers, to getting older and hopefully smarter. ;)
From left to right: Leonie, me,  Alison, Cee, and Randa.
Outfit Details: 
Cardigan - Covet
Cami - CK (similar)
Belt - Gap (similar)
Cross Body Bag - Aldo 
Polka Dot Skirt - Forever 21
PS - My sponsor eShatki is offering all my readers a 10% discount, valid on all their sale items too. Use code: VE32TNY - valid until July 31st!

Lots of love,


  1. This looks like a lot of fun and like a lot of inspiration was shared! I wish there were more bloggers in my area.

  2. You ladies look so gorgeous...we are so lucky in Vancouver that there is such a great group of bloggers.
    Love those pink sandals, so cute with the polka dots!
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    xo Cara

  3. You all look oh so gorgeous!! It's definitely one of my favorite things to meet other bloggers and the friendships I've made through fashion blogging. Swapping with other bloggers is such a great idea too :)

  4. oh yay for you. Belated birthday wishes to you! hope you had a marvellous birthday and spoilt rotten. I can see why that dress is on rotation, its a beaut and so versatile. Oh my goodness, how cute are your kiddies gunna be (when you have them )hee hee! Honestly hand on heart, its the best thing ever!! My son turns 2 next month, best 2 years EVER :)
    Lots of love xxx

  5. Looks like a very fun day! Great pics V!! Evryone looks lovely and your outfit is super fab!!

  6. You all look so beautiful! Great photos, it looks like you all had a lovely time =)
    Love your polka-dotted skirt, very chic - adore it with the hot pink belt!

    The Urban Umbrella

  7. What fun! Love your polka dot skirt with hot pink accents. Super cute!

  8. Such a fun post! I love that first candid snap of us that Martin captured - it reminds me of our first blogger meet-up, wandering down Denman street with cameras in hand to find a good spot to take photos :) How funny to think how far we've all come since then, and in such a short time, too! I'm so glad that I decided to organise that first crazy meet-up, it's been wonderful to be able to get to know you outside of your blog as well as through it. I hope you had a fabulous birthday - here's to many more happy ones in the future!

  9. Happy Birthday! You guys look like you had a fantastic time. Sounds like stuff is really exciting for you guys at the moment! xo

  10. gah! you look awesome per usual.

    glad you had fun with the girls and on your birthday :) yay for summer bdays!! (mine is in a couple weeks)

  11. you girls all looks so cute! very lucky to have each other!


  12. Wow, starting a family! That's so exciting - it sounds like you're going to have a pretty busy and amazing year, happy belated birthday!

    Courtney ~

  13. looks like a fun time! everyone looks fantastic - and i love your skirt, pretty lady! happy belated bday, btw! :)

  14. You all look amazing! Happy belated birthday :) xx

  15. I must ask, how did you go about finding fellow bloggers in your area? I'd love to do something like this, but I can't seem to stumble on any who live by me. Which seems strange, considering I live in a big city.

    And, p.s., happy birthday!

  16. Looks like a lot of fun!

    Happy birthday! xx

    Rose Eva

  17. happy birthday to you! and i LOVE cee's hat!!


  18. Happy birthday! What a lovely group of ladies!

  19. Happy late birthday (I bet I'm the 100th person to say that, haha). I really wish I could participate in some kind of amazing meetup sometime, but so far that looks unlikely. You all look adorable, which is to be expected!

  20. Happy belated birthday, Veronika! And it was so lovely to see you, as always :)

    xo, alison*elle

  21. Wow! You all look so lovely! It looks like you had a lot of fun. I had a similar discovery of fashion blogs where I stared at the computer clicking away wide-eyed, shouting to husband, "Look how cute!!" A husband trap comment for sure. That's exciting about starting a family soon. Can't wait to hear about it!

  22. You gals look beautiful! Happy Birthday! That is so exciting. AND you guys are going to be starting a family soon!? That is SO exciting. Your babies will be absolutely precious. :)


  23. I found fashion blogging through ModCloth, and started on just on impulse! It only lasted a few months, but then I started my current blog about year after that. ;)

    That skirt is so cute too, I love it with the pink belt. <3

    Also (last thing, I promise!) it's so exciting that you and your husband want to start a family! I love babies and little kids. <3

  24. What a stylish bunch! :) What drew me to fashion blogging was the self-confidence all the bloggers seemed to exude. Clothing was more than just clothing - it was a vehicle of self-expression. I loved that, and it inspired me to develop my own style :)

  25. Ahhhh how fun!! You all look so fabulous and I love seeing all the different personal styles in one photo :)


  26. That looks like so much fun!
    You all look great.

  27. What a blessing to have such a beautiful group of blog friends! I hope to form some sweet friendships out there in cyber space as well!

  28. congrats on a wonderful past year & yay for reviewing goals & getting healthy, you rock! (& always look super adorable to boot). Looks like a great meetup! It's awesome you've gotten to meet so many blogging friends in person via meetups too! and... a family, aaaaaaaaaaaah yay!

  29. You guys make such a cute bunch! And a stylish one, not to mention! Also, a belated Happy birthday :) x

  30. what stylish ladies...and how fun your gathering looks...making new friends is always fun...especially when you have blogging in common! :-)

  31. What beautiful photos! So sad I missed this one, I think we need a photo walk/coffee date in your neck of the woods soon to catch up! xo

  32. The blogger meetup looks like so much fun! I love that penci skirt and sandals.
    Happy belated birthday to you!

    What Lola Wants

  33. oh, the sweet familiar Casa Cee and all you absolutely sweet gals too! great shots from the day Veronika, sorry i missed that one :( next time for sure though!

    you look incredible, i LOVE your skirt and hot pink accents!! no imbibes???? none at all?! fer reals - well as i sit here sipping a G&T with loads of lime (TMI? - sorry!) please fill me in on how you resist the temptation. i end up substituting one "filler" for another if you get me so it'd be a visit to the ice cream truck in lieu of a nightcap. baha! good for you lades, keep it up. i was going to say, even after all your crazy health scares you are looking lean and lovely as can be so whatever you're doing, it's working!!! you've got a virtual glow effect happening, just gorgeous.

    cheers again to you and your new year of happiness, many blessings sweetness! xo ♥

  34. I love our little blogging community too, although I am so jealous that you have a group of fellow bloggers that get to meet up... I have yet to meet anyone IRL. Happy (belated) birthday! You have the right attitude about adding on another year... just another chance to make this year the most fabulous one yet!

  35. You're all so cute! I love that you meet with them regularly -- that's so nice. I love blogger meetups!

  36. I can understand why the pencil skirt has became your summer stable its gorgeous, Love it!
