Blog Spotlight: Second Edition!

Nov 11, 2011

I'm so thrilled to be featuring Andrea of Blonde Bedhead for my second edition of blog spotlight! I absolutely love being able to introduce you guys to my favourite bloggers, and learn a little bit more about these amazing blogging lovelies myself! When it comes to personal style blogs, I quickly fell head-over-heels for Andrea's. I love her ability for mixing beautiful feminine pieces with a more urban & edgy aesthetic, and she always features the most enviable shoes. Be sure to check out her blog; you will love her gorgeous style & sassy personality. Enjoy the interview!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself? Hello! I'm Andrea, a Michigan native, living and working in Chicago. I run the blog, Blonde Bedhead, but I also photograph weddings and work in advertising.

2. What inspired you to start your fashion blog? Tieka of Selective Potential really inspired me because I didn't really know fashion blogs existed before she started hers, but I loved to photograph fashion shoots with friends, write freelance fashion-related articles and I also just love to have fun with personal style and fashion. It just made sense to start this little hobby where all the things I was passionate about would be in one singular place.

3. How has your personal sense of style evolved over the blogging years? My style has definitely evolved. I take bigger risks and have more confidence to wear bold colors and accessories. I also developed a deep affinity for ridiculous shoes, which I never had until I started the blog and started noticing the amazing shoes that exist out there!

4. Aside from fashion blogging, what are some of your other passions? Like I mentioned earlier, I'm a photographer and focus primarily on portrait and wedding work. It's so much fun for me to photograph weddings, but then to also schedule fun shoots with friends that have amazing styles that inspire me and share them on my blog. I also love animals and on the rare occasion I can get back to my parents' home, I like to visit the horses and goats and annoy the cat with my constant pestering.

5. What are some of your favorite things about living in Chicago? Everywhere you go in Chicago, there is a great restaurant near and the choices are endless. I love food, particularly greasy, delicious foods, so when I see a pub or old diner, I'm thrilled! I also love the access I have to fun shops like TopShop, Zara and other small boutiques and vintage shops that are in Chicago. It's so easy to go shopping and spend the entire day visiting just one neighborhood for their shops!
6. Who takes your outfit pictures and do you have any photography tips? I've trained my boyfriend how to use my camera and I must say, he's become quite the little photographer. He has a great eye and listens to me, which helps, since I know what I like. My main photography tips for outfit photos is to try to shoot outside and not in direct sunlight! Direct sunlight can be so harsh if you're not used to working with that kind of light and outside photos just have a higher quality feel to them to indoor lighting of a house. My second tip would be to have fun and take a variety of shots like full length photos, wide angle shots and of course, a lot of detail shots!

7. What are your dreams and aspirations for your blog?
My blog has already done so much for me. It's given me a way to be creative and it's helped me land jobs. I don't think I'd ever want to blog full-time, but keep it as a fun project, so it stays fun for me, but I'd still like it to grow and for me to earn more great opportunities to work with brands I love!

8. What fall/winter trends are you most excited about? Two words: Leopard print. As if I needed an excuse to wear my favorite print, but it's hot this season and I'm so ecstatic that I can find coats, tops, pants, skirts, shoes, belts, etc in the print.

9. What’s your current go to outfit? My go to outfit is always an over-sized grey top, black skinnies, a crazy heeled black boot and a leather jacket. It's what I feel most comfortable in and I own so many of the same grey type of shirt, pants, boots and jackets, it's easy for me to recreate.

10. Do you have any tips for new or aspiring fashion bloggers? My tip is to start it because you love whatever you love--whether it's personal style, photography, fashion, street-style and you want to talk about it and share with others, not because you want free shit. That will come later, I promise.

Aw, a BIG thank you to Andrea for this fantastic interview! Hope you guys enjoyed learning a little bit more about this fabulous gal! I absolutely adored reading all of her answers. Be sure to pop on over to her blog (to say hi!) and follow along. You can also connect her with her via Twitter! Hope everyone is enjoying a fantastic Friday, and happy almost weekend, guys!!  xo


  1. I love the shoes in the final picture. I'm looking for some shoes simailar to that. This was a fabulous interview.
    Is it a good tip to interview aspiring bloggers, to get an inside feel of how everyone else blogs?

    Jess x

  2. leopard print is right - its my fav!


  3. Great post! I love her blog too.

  4. Seriously, how have I been unaware of this blog for so long?! Great choice for a feature!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  5. What a great interview! She have such an amazing style.

    The Owl Girl

  6. What a cute girl. Love her big hair. She looks amazing in that last shot, love everything about it.

  7. Ooo, love this feature! Great post and I think I found a new blog, lol!

  8. She seems so wonderful and I love love love her gorgeous hair.
    Veronika, this was great interview!
    Happy weekend!

    xoxo Ra

  9. What a great blog spotlight! You definitely picked a stylish lady. Love her outfits and awesome hair! Definitely a blog I'll follow from now on :-)

    The Days Are Getting Darker

  10. Great interview! This is my first time on your blog and i love it! Youre very pretty btw!

    Have a great day!


  11. oh Veronika, thanks for the introduction to Andrea! what a fabulously chic girl she is and a really extensive, in depth interview to understand where she's coming from for her blog and personal lifestyle. totally enjoyed this read, she's smashing!!!

    the part about taking bigger risks makes such sense to me. i think it's one of the best things about blogging, most times all anyone really wants is validation and someone to witness their lives with them. the company aspect of blog-land is awesome for that, such supportive and cool cats from all walks of life coming together and banding their tribes like sisters from other mothers. loved this loads! wicked how she got her boyf primed up to take photos for her too, he obviously knows how to capture her in the loveliest light. xoox ♥

  12. There are so many fun things about fashion blogging, but one of them is being able to see a person's style in the blogs they follow. Andrea is stunning, and I can see exactly why her style has such an appeal for you :) I'm not familiar with her blog, so thank-you for the introduction... I'm off to visit Blonde Bedhead right now! Hope you're staying dry on theis rainy Saturday, Veronika.

  13. Veronika! Thank you for introducing her blog! I love the dresses she wears, very pretty style. And, of course, I absolutely adore your effortless style! I'm shopping and styling as well, come check it out, if you'd like.
    Good luck!

  14. great interview! I'm excited to check out her blog! The girl has some great style!!

  15. "....not because you want free shit. That will come later, I promise." ahaha well said.

    Loved reading this interview, she's an inspiration and i'm definitely going to check her out :)


  16. Great interview, lovely post and blog. If you want visit my blog and let me know if you want to follow and I will follow back

  17. Great interview, fun post! heading over to her blog as we (I) speak…

    Girl in the Poodle Shoes
    ^Follow the link to my fun etsy jewelry shop filled with arm party numbers!!

  18. great interview! another blog i'm going to have to follow, haha.

    thanks for stopping by blog too! you have gained another follower here, you are adorable!

    have a great day!

  19. I love her blog and really enjoyed reading the interview :)


    Fashion Fractions

  20. Love your pictures.
    Let's follow our concept on

    WWT Team.

  21. Yayy! I love Andrea! So cool to see another Chicago girl making it all happen - she really does have ridiculous shoes, they always make me green with envy...
    So What If I Like Pretty Things
