Look Book: Vintage Inspired Skirts & Forest Walks

Sep 7, 2011

Today was one of those perfect days! My hair was co-operating. I didn't stand in front of my closet (forever) wondering what to wear. And even though fall is just around the corner, it was delightfully hot, sunny and just plain gorgeous! Hubs and I spent the day roaming around our forested neighbourhood where we found a lovely patch of yummy blackberries and this new to us ocean-side trail, then ended our day snuggled on the couch catching up on a few of our fave TV shows. Yay!

I bought this oh-so adorable skirt from ModCloth earlier this year and I have re-styled it a few times already. If you guys are curious, you can check out my other versions here: early spring and late spring! And, ta-da, now I’ve styled it up for summer. Also, drum roll please... I’ve finally purchased my first pair of Jeffrey Campbells. Yipee! I ordered the splendid heels in tan; they should be arriving at my doorstep any day now -the countdown is on!! I keep doing a little dance around the house! Haha, I’m like a kid at Christmas ...apparently I’ve lost it.

And in other blogging news?! I’m so thrilled to be back to my usual “two per week” outfit post schedule. Phew, life got a little hectic this summer. Anyone else? And speaking of posts, I’ll be back tomorrow with a fabulous giveaway. I’m actually hosting four amazing giveaways for the month of September. Yay, it’ll be so much fun! Oh, and just a quick shout out to my hubby too; he landed a role on an episode of (Warner Bros) Supernatural! SO happy for him!! Happy Wednesday guys, & see you tomorrow! xo
Outfit Details:
Necklace - Aldo (old)
Tank - H&M
Belt - ModCloth
Skirt - ModCloth
Shoes & Clutch - Aldo
Lip colour - (Chanel: Gabrielle #19), Lip Liner - (Sephora Real Red #20)


  1. What a gorgeous outfit and gorgeous setting! I adore that skirt + your hair is perfect here :) congrats to your husband that's awesome for him and I'm glad you had such a lovely day together!


  2. That has to be the cutest skirt everrr! I need to start shopping at modcloth. & the photos are gorgeous! I can't help but thing of Bella from twilight(the Bella I picture in my head, not the annoying one from the movie hehe) when I see these photos of you in the forest. So beautiful.

    Happy Blogging
    Ciao- Steph of Life & other Drugs

  3. Wow these Photos are Stunning, just like you! I love the setting, and your outfit is Perfect..i adore your Aldo necklace it is the perfect pop for this outfit..simply fab from head to toe♥ Oh and Yaaaaay a big Congrats to M for his new role on Supernatural how Exciting!!!!!

  4. What an adorable outfit! Don't you just love those good hair days?

    And yes! Summer is crazy! It's ridiculous! I really need to get back into the habit of reading and commenting lots.

    Oh! I want a pair of Jeffery Campbells so badly! There are a couple pairs that are just so gorgeous!! Maybe if I get my camera for birthday/Christmas I'll ask for a pair for my graduation next spring. <3

  5. Effortless days brimming with love and good feelings. I could use some of those. You do look Stunning, the skirt reminds me of the Springtime.

    I always Envy your perfectly kept hair. Does it ever knot? My hair is knot-thirsty. I can't go two days without bunches of knot tails, ugh!

    Love your blog. So pretty.

    (^.^) hope to hear from you - love

  6. I love the skirt and belt combo, and the location looks absolutely dreamy!

  7. Yay for your hubbie! How exciting! I love the mix of floral skirt and leopard clutch. You look gorgeous as usual m'dear. I have been waiting for my Old Navy cargo vest for what seems like forever now. I know what you mean!

  8. you look so lovely!!
    great combination
    and I love the necklace colour

  9. this is gorgeous and your day sounds like it was just lovely :) congrats to your man!
    xo dana

  10. loove the pochette and this combination!great:)

    Patchwork à Porter

  11. This outfit and setting is gorgeous. Sounds like a wonderful day well spent. congrats to you and your husband. Good news all around. Can't wait to see your JC shoes.
    xo- AlbeeLucky.blogspot.com

  12. You look beautiful as always! I love how your top looks with your printed skirt. Congrats to the hubs!


  13. can't wait to see the new shoes!! I am really loving that clutch paired with the skirt, fabulous!!

  14. So beautiful!! Love this location and the outfit is great. Congratulations to your husband! That is fantastic news.

    And wait - aren't you in movies, too... Olivia Wilde, right? ;)

  15. amazing lighting and location. i LOVE your hair.. its flawless.


  16. I just love that you threw a little leopard print into this look!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  17. beautiful pictures with the sunlight! i cant take my eyes off from your leo clutch! love it!

  18. Love this skirt. It looks great with your belt!

  19. Sounds like it was a perfect day, Veronika. And congrats to your hubby! I've never watched Supernatural but I've seen them filming a bunch of times around Vancouver. Very exciting!

    xo, alison*elle

  20. you look absolutely lovely as does your hair.

  21. i am loving this new scenery, especially with fall approaching. Love the necklace and that modcloth skirt!

  22. The clutch/skirt pattern mix are perfect!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  23. Adore the floral skirt and the leopard bag...and what a perfect location!
    xo Cara

  24. another lovely post from you my dear!
    i love the skirt and the red beads are beautiful! i think you are officially the queen of mixing patterns so perfectly together!i love the combination of animal print and floral!
    can't wait for your giveaways!!

  25. wow i love the location!! and your skirt is gorgeous!

    <3 steffy

  26. The setting for these photos is so wonderful, what a gorgeous area! I love this skirt, don't you love those days whemn you put something together quickly and it works sooo well

  27. Sounds like a perfect day! And you look stunning as usual! I'm loving the lippy, is that a new one? Such a perfect fall makeup look! BIG congtats to Mr. G&C that's such exciting news!! xx Nat

  28. I love It your oufit!!!


  29. when does your hair ever not cooperate? you look gorgeous as always, and congrats to your husband!

  30. Sounds like you really had a perfect day! You look fabulous!



  31. This post is literally picture perfect, setting and outfit! That skirt is sooo pretty! Yay for your hubs! Me an my hubs love supernatural! Xx

  32. Oh my! Just fell in love with that belt! :D


  33. The woody setting is so very complimentary to your bohemian style, V! You look stunning as usual :). he-he ... I am the SAME way when I order something online ... I count down the days until it arrives on the doorstep and when it does I rip open the package ASAP {sometimes forgoing a greeting to the hubs ... poor thing :)}

    Can't wait to see your new shoes!

    xx Cat

  34. You look BEAUTIFUL!! Evenmore so than usual! Love this skirt so much, it's such a great piece and the way you styled it is just perfect!

    Congrats to your hubby, that's amazing!!

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

  35. Gorgeous photos, outfit, and scenery. (: I've got some packages coming for me (books, CDs, and some wardrobe items) so every time I come home from work and find a package I get excited, hehe. I'll have to keep an eye out for your man since I watch Supernatural (though that show was SUPPOSED to end two seasons ago...) Here's to our last few weeks of summer!

  36. Another perfect day for you to look perfect, Veronika! :) Can't wait to see the "reason" of your excitement! Keep dancing around! ;)

  37. You look so pretty! I love perfect hair days. Your lip color is gorgeous!

  38. Gorgeous outfit, I love the necklace! So pretty and it just pops!


  39. wow you live by such a Gorgeous place!!! you could go camping at a moment's notice with surroundings like that. love this whole ensemble! you are the 'skirt girl' :) and just so you know, I mentioned you in my blog post today! I was inspired by one of your outfits a while ago and just did my own post of a similar one.
    The House of Shoes

  40. Love your outfit, especially your belt! Congrats for your Husband also!


  41. U look so sweet^^


  42. You look gorgeous! I love the necklace!
    Congrats to your husband, that's fantastic!

    What is the lipstick colour you're wearing in these pictures? It's a lovely colour!

  43. you look so lovely! I adore your skirt

    xo Julia

  44. It sounds like such a lovely, relaxing day! You look beautiful as ever.

  45. It really was one of those days-you look phenomenal! I try to fake those days by picking out clothes the night before, but it's always hit or miss.

  46. i heard yesterday was the most beautiful day in vancouver! looks perfectly summery, and congrats to your hbus! x

  47. Wow, what gorgeous photos... your hair looks lovely, and location too! congrats to your husband, very exciting! Can't wait to see what your giveaways will be!

    xo, allie

  48. Great photos. Congrats to your hubby how exciting! I have a pair of black Splendids - you will love them! xx

  49. aww these photos are so cute, and i love the skirt and the red necklace makes the colors seriously pop!
    I totally look forward to your giveaway, I will for sure stay posted.

    xo kaitlin

  50. Oh it sounds like you spent a wonderful day!! :) And you look fabulous, like always.

    xx Love & Aloha
    Swing by to enter my $100 Shopbop Giftcard Giveaway!

  51. Wow! It sounds like you've had all kinds of excitement in your world! First of all, congratulations to Martin on his role! I'll be sure to download all of the episodes he's in, just to see if I can spot him, even though I don't follow supernatural :) Secondly, I love seeing this skirt in its summer incarnation, particularly because of the beautiful necklace you've paired it with. I have a weakness for coral necklaces, and yours certainly does not disappoint!

  52. pretty skirt pattern you got there <3

  53. i love everything about this post! your outfit is lovely and the scenery is beautiful! xx

  54. Ok, dream hair, anyone? So cute!

  55. One of my favourite looks of yours for sure. Seriously, whatever you did with your hair, I'm loving it. It looks so healthy and thick and lustrous. The location you shot this in is unreal too, so beautiful and perfectly sets off the wonderful pattern-play and colours in this look. Congratulations to your man too, that is incredible! Let us know when it airs, I'll be sure to watch it :)

    Alex xoxo

  56. you look oh so pretty! love your skirt!

  57. First off, CONGRATS to your hubby! That's so cool. :)
    Secondly, you will love your splendids! I seriously just wore mine around the house for days even when I had nowhere to go because I didn't want to take them off. They are that amazing. (Helped to break them in too!)

    This outfit is so cute, I just love that skirt. And your hair looks great!!

  58. Love the belt!
    and this vintage outfit makes you look so cute!

  59. oh I love love love the belt!!

    xoxo ♕♕♕


  60. you look stunning!! I just love all the color and pattern mixing, you make it look so chic! xo


  61. I love this look! The skirt works perfectly with everything.

  62. you look flawless! this looks so romantic! Congrats on your first JC's!

    xx jamie

  63. Congrats to your hubby! I love this outfit - and the background, holy crap! So beautiful!

  64. Oh, It seems You're having amazing moments in these days. Happy for both of You. It's so nice.
    Can't wait to see you wearing your new JC.
    These photos in woods on this trail looks gorgeous and your skirt seems to be fantastic purchase. Isn't all our purchases should be so wearable and able to restyle in many looks.This is so pretty look. You are so great on pattern mix&match.

    xoxo Ra

  65. So happy I came across your blog. Your style is absolutely delicious!


  66. what a pretty outfit!!

    loving the changes to the blog too! love the header font and background!!

  67. Had a quick scroll of your blog (i will read it properly after i've sent this comment) but I knew i had to follow straight away. I love all the clothes you wear! Prettiest pretty in the blogosphere! x

  68. how cool that your hubby is going to be in an episode of supernatural! you'll have to let your readers know when it airs. you look just as lovely as ever. it's amazing how, when we're on the brink of a new season, things like our hair and our clothes don't seem so troublesome anymore. :)

  69. Yay for your hubby, you'll have to keep us posted on when the episode airs..can't wait to watch! Love the trail and your pretty outfit, can't wait to see the new jc's!! I've been dying to order a pair but I haven't decided on the perfect style for me just yet.


  70. oh hai pretty wood wanderer!!! looking fresh and charming as can be! coming here is like an enhanced reality when i get to see such prettiness Veronika. sounds like you had the most splendid kind of day AND night. after a long stroll outdoors i'm always tuckered and ready for a relaxing nook time in the boyfs arms. SO GOOD!

    i can tell you're super excited about those new Jeffrey Campbell kicks and can't wait to catch a glimpse of them soon. congrats on that lades, i will have to get my box of tissue close by to catch the drool that will be for sure spilling forth : )

    uh, ya....hectic life agreed upon. seriously out of control with busies. glad to hear you've got your happy-time schedule back on track.

    what the what? Martin on the teevz???? how cool is that?! congratulations to your handsome one, he'll for sure rock it. hey, keep us all posted on when he'll appear okay, would love to see his episode! xoox ♥

  71. I lvoe this outfit, you look great! And congrats on the Jeffrey Campbells, I have yet to dare to do that...

  72. i really love that you mixed leopard with floral AND brown with black! most people are usually intimidated to break these old "rules" but you make it look effortless and beautiful!

  73. You look beautiful! I love the skirt and I also liked how you remixed it in the past. Also, these are exciting news! I'm so happy for your husband :)
    I also wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on one of my posts ^^


  74. You are simply ADORABLE! I have been dying to get bangs like yours because you just look gorgeous with em :) Enjoy your weekend lovey dovey! xo

  75. Wow your husband landed a role in Supernatural?! That's so awesome! Congrats to him. Also you look so gorgeous Veronika! I love that skirt. I could go for a walk in the forest!

  76. I'm just in love with your recent posts Veronika! I'm so sorry I haven't stopped by more- what is up with this summer?! Crazyness. And no time!
    I love how you've remixed this skirt, and am fully in love with the print mix going on here. Is there anything that a good leopard print can't pair with?
    Can't wait to see you soon! It's been too long :) xx

  77. Yay! Congrats to your hubby, that's awesome!

    You look beautiful and I love ALL the ways you remixed this skirt! And as far as your hair goes, to me it always looks perfect!!

    Virginie ♥

  78. very nice! so pretty! :) nice photos too!

  79. These pictures are oh-so-pretty! I'm so glad to have discovered your blog through the INDIE e-conference! I'm loving your sweet style and have a small case of hair envy currently. haha! Can't wait to follow you here on Girl and Closet.

    xo, kristin

  80. That skirt is GORGEOUS! Fab finds from ModCloth as always :) xo

  81. You look gorgeous! I love the belt, and it works well with your printed skirt. -xo

  82. These photos have a really magical feel to them ^.^ Gorgeous skirt! Hmm gonna have to follow you :D x

  83. Hello!

    Just want to thank you
    for stopping by on my page and giving me such nice comment. I love your style as well and hope that you'll follow me if interested.


  84. Ooh I love this look! It just seems so perfect for summer! :) Congrats to your husband! That sounds great! :)

  85. Thank you so much for the sweet comment and sorry it took me so long to respond! I love your leopard Clutch a ton. Your blog is so adorable, and I love the clean layout, it makes the content stand out and easy to read.

  86. Beautiful pictures, the setting is perfect! Your outfit is so cute.
    I am following:)


  87. WOW, what amazing photos and make up!
    I love the mistery and the bright colors of the clothes!
    You're in a good away, i'm following!

  88. cuteeeee post!!!!


