May Lust List & A Giveaway Winner... Hip, Hip, Hooray!!

Apr 30, 2011

Some people go out on a Friday night. Me? Oh no, I like to stay home and window shop on the internet and make "lust lists" to share with you guys... of course! Firstly, I will state the obvious and mention that I’m loving anything floral this spring. I’m equally smitten by that gorgeous lace lined cardy. So perfect! And I can’t wait to buy a pair of blowfish wedges after hearing from several bloggers...
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Sequin Tank & Coral Hues... Yay For Spring!

Apr 28, 2011

{TANK: OLD NAVY, SKIRT & SHOES: H&M} Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week. As for mine? I enjoyed a fabulously warm spring day (one of our firsts), and it was pretty amazing. I was smitten by the beautiful cherry blossoms and the warm ocean breeze. I was more than happy to leave the tights at home and bust out the florals. Yay! Mixing these two patterns together was a first...
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Sunshine, Wedges... And A Day Off!

Apr 25, 2011

{TOP & WEDGES: H&M, JEANS: AMERICAN EAGLE} Hello friends! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I spent mine enjoying some fabulous sunshine and spring weather. Finally! I also may have eaten one too many Easter chocolates -oops. And I forgot to do an outfit post late last week. I would like to blame that on my sugar coma. I have also come to the conclusion that great weather and fashion...
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City Dates & Girlfriends... And Vancouver Fashion Week!

Apr 20, 2011

Heading to Vancouver Fashion Week, and I'm all smiles!We had just arrived, and there was so much excitement in the air ...or was it my glass of wine?Our first show of the evening was Autobiographie from Paris, and (oops) turns out it was standing room only. Most of the seating was on a first come, first serve basis, or it was reserved for buyers and editors. But I happily stood near the back and snapped...
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Weekend Strolls & Gingham Dresses...

Apr 18, 2011

 {DRESS: DYNAMITE, BELT: VINTAGE, TIGHTS: JACOB, CLUTCH: H&M, SHOES: JOE FRESH} Hello, lovely readers. Hope you guys had a great weekend! Mine was pretty busy and action packed, which is not my usual pace. My normal weekend itinerary involves pretending to be awake while hubs and I watch a movie... for real! But I found myself at Vancouver Fashion Week on Saturday, followed by dinner &...
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CLOSED: A Giveaway... From Me To You, ModCloth Necklace!

Apr 16, 2011

Enter to win:1) Follow "Girl and Closet" via Google Connect or Bloglovin2) Leave a comment letting me know that you've entered Giveaway is open from now until April 30, 2011, and open to Canadian, American, & European readers! I'm thrilled to be doing another "Girl & Closet" giveaway for the month of April. Wow, can you believe we are already well into April? Eeek! I'm smitten with this ModCloth...
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A Dress, A Sale, And French Fries...

Apr 14, 2011

{DRESS: DYNAMITE, BELT & TIGHTS: MODCLOTH, SHOES: H&M} I (as you might remember) went shopping; who doesn't love a little retail therapy? I bought a dress, ate french fries, and experienced total shopping exuberance! A good day for me, means finding a great dress on sale, and that's exactly what happened! I bought this dress at Dynamite for a whopping $19. I think I might have squealed a little...
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Vintage Glasses & Ruby Red Lips...

Apr 11, 2011

{TOP: MODCLOTH, BELT: THRIFTED, JEGGINGS: CITIZEN OF HUMANITY, SHOES: JOE FRESH} Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent a part of mine working from home -that’s my kind of pace! And judging by the first picture, I’ve also taken up smiling at invisible co-workers (hehe). In case you're wondering what I do? I work as a freelance photographer, and yup, you guessed it, I did indeed take...
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Lovely Afternoons & A Train Station

Apr 7, 2011

{SWEATER: THRIFTED, BELT: VINTAGE, SKIRT: MODCLOTH, TIGHTS: JOE FRESH, HEELS, H&M} I was thrilled to go out for a late lunch because it meant: 1) Food 2) Getting dressed 3) Wearing my newly thrifted top. Need I say more? I picked up this adorable top on a recent thrifting expedition and it was love at first sight. I immediately fell in love with the ruffles, black buttons, and the price -$4 ...just...
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Vancouver Blogger Meet-up & An Outfit Post...

Apr 4, 2011

{JACKET: THRIFTED, TOP: MODCLOTH, JEANS: CITIZEN OF HUMANITY, SHOES: JOE FRESH} Hey guys! So, I just went to my first blogger meet-up last weekend.  Yay, what a super fun day! I met up with Lynn of "Hearted Girl," Cee of "Coco & Vera," and Alexandra of "To Vogue Or Bust." I met the girls on a lovely Sunday afternoon at Central Bistro, where we enjoyed wine and loads of bloggy chats. It’s...
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April's Lust List & A Giveaway Winner!

Apr 1, 2011

Hey guys, hope you're having a wonderful Friday. I'm excited to share a new "Girl & Closet" feature with everyone, my monthly lust list ...won't you help me drool?  I'm absolutely smitten with these lovely items and hope they find their way to my closet. ASAP! Seriously, how adorable is that dress from ModCloth? Items: 1) ModCloth Dress 2) Madewell Sweater 3) Ruche Top 4) J.Crew Skirt 5)...
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