Blog Spotlight, Third Edition

Nov 30, 2012

I'm so delighted to be bringing back this feature (it's a personal favourite) and to be featuring Virginie of Virginie's Cinema for my third edition of Blog Spotlight. I absolutely love being able to introduce you guys to my favourite bloggers, and learn a little bit more about these amazing ladies myself. I discovered Virginie early on when I first started blogging and fell head over heels for...
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Raindrops & Errands

Nov 29, 2012

Hello & happy Thursday, everyone! Yay, it's so great to be back with an outfit post. They haven't been the easiest to get this fall - the rain has been relentless and crazy heavy. Ugh. Anywho, I wore this casual but super cute look for a day of running errands with my honey. Groceries, mall, and then a rainy day walk with our pooch. And can I just say, I seriously love grocery days... we usually...
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Daily Life Bits

Nov 26, 2012

Hello! Sorry guys, things were a little quiet on the blog last week. I ended up taking a break and tried to stay off my computer too. It was sooo nice to find some downtime and refocus. I spent my time organizing our home, visiting with a few girlfriends, wrote out a schedule for the blog (so helpful) and cooked up amazingly delicious vegetarian meals and healthy desserts; the perfect way to treat...
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Mint Tea & Retro Prints

Nov 19, 2012

Hello! Hope everyone had a super weekend. What was that I said about not taking my photos outside anymore?! Brrr, this time I was smart though and brought a hot tea - that helped. On a side note, lately I've been really into mint tea with an added dash of coco + chocolate almond milk. So good! And, I hope you guys aren't getting sick of this location. I can't stop going back. The lighting is always...
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Featured, Framework Magazine

Nov 19, 2012

A big thank you to Vancouver's very own Framework magazine for asking me to be a part of their holiday blogger panel. I loved sharing my Christmas list with them... it sure is getting me excited for the holidays too! Be sure to take a peek, their magazine has quickly become one of my favourites. ...
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Quiet Nights

Nov 12, 2012

There's nothing better than an outfit that comes together easily & effortlessly, and that was the case for this little number, which I absolutely love! Pencil skirts have become such a staple piece in my wardrobe this fall. I'm eying several more from J.Crew (adore that store)... I'd love to add a mustard one, tweed one and a floral print would be fantastic too. Does anyone have experience with...
Heels - Aldo (similar)
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Mint & Shades Of Grey

Nov 8, 2012

Sun! What a delightful and welcome change! This year, fall hasn't been that great for us. We've had so many grey and rainy days, well actually, more like torrential rain. So... when I saw the sun, I grabbed my tripod and ran outside like a crazy women. It was glorious out! So warm and sunny, I even ventured over to our neighbourhood coffee shop for tea and some patio time. Fingers crossed for more...
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Life Bits...

Nov 6, 2012

Hello, friends! Hope your week is off to a great start. I've managed to sneak away from the computer, as well as work for the past few days. Yay, it's been fantastic! I've spent my time baking up a chocolate chip cookie storm, visiting with friends, playing with adorable babies (aww!)... and happy to find a little bit of quiet time to decompress. Plus, after insane amounts of rain, the sun is back...
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Sponsor Spotlight, November!

Nov 5, 2012

Happy Monday, guys! Is everyone still enjoying their leftover Halloween candy? Mmmm! Anywho, just popping in to share this month's sponsor spotlight with you. I'm swooning over all of these gorgeous (handpicked by me) items. Such gorgeous sponsors! Be sure to pop by these lovely stores by clicking on the photos below to visit their shops and show them some love! Hope your day is off to a great start....
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Hues Of Fall

Nov 1, 2012

This fall, I almost gave up on coloured tights. What was I thinking, right?! I've somehow started to believe that getting another year older meant I needed to start toning down my looks and start choosing things that are more classic/conservative. Of course, my style will evolve as I age - that's to be expected. But lately I've been reminding myself to have more fun with fashion and not take myself...
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