Happy Holidays!

Dec 27, 2012

Happy holidays, friends! Hope yours was a truly terrific one. We've been enjoying such an amazing + relaxing time with our family. Oh man, and the food! Mmmm, soooo much delicious food: cookies, chocolates, yummy dinners, and more cookies & chocolates. I'll be in desperate need of a gym after this is all over - that's for sure! On x-mas eve we were with Martin's parents, and then on Christmas...
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Bits & Pieces Of Our Week

Dec 21, 2012

Life is slowing down a lot this week! Both Martin & I are off work over the Christmas holidays, and things are nice and quiet at our home. Most mornings, I'm curled up by the fireplace drinking candy cane tea, blogging or reading a book, and listening to the rain gently putter on our roof. It's heaven! I'm eagerly counting down the days until Christmas, we'll be seeing Martin's parents on the...
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Apple, Almond Butter & Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Dec 20, 2012

Oh my goodness. I've been eating way too many of these the past few weeks. So, so good! Lately, I've really been enjoying adding almond butter to my meals; it's loaded with vitamins + minerals, and unlike peanut butter it's low in carbohydrates, which I prefer. My favourite brand is MaraNatha and I buy their natural raw one. I seriously can't get over how tasty this grilled cheese sandwich is......
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Striped Dresses & Parka's

Dec 18, 2012

Since making the decision to take my blog in a slightly different direction, I'd also like to bring a new focus to my look book posts and feature more of my day-to-day outfits. Sometimes, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you have to get dressed up for a blog post. But, the truth is I'm a pretty laid back kinda gal. I love spending time outdoors with my hubby + our dog... or heading...
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Outfit Inspiration & Friday Links

Dec 14, 2012

Hello, hope everyone's enjoying a fabulous Friday so far! Today, I'm popping in to share a little outfit inspiration + my favourite links. This outfit, or some variation of it, has quickly become my winter uniform. Martin & I usually keep our evenings and weekends pretty low key... dog walks, sushi take out, or popping in on friends. So, this outfit is perfect for that! Mind you, this weekend...
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Coffee Date With My Love...

Dec 13, 2012

When the weather turns cold & wintery, Martin and I love sneaking out for little mid-week coffee dates: we love getting bundled up in the coziest of sweaters, taking in all the bits of Christmas, ordering one too many cookies, reading the paper... and spending the afternoon people watching. And in my case, taking lots of photos. ;) It was the loveliest of afternoons with my love, and...
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Decorating Our Tree

Dec 11, 2012

It feels so fantastic to be back with a post. Yay! Blogging has definitley become a lot more fun, now that I've taken the pressure off myself... I've been carrying my camera around non-stop, and I just bought a diary so I can jot down future blog post ideas. It's been working like a charm! So... as you can tell by these photos, Christmas is in full swing at our home. Love it! I'm on a steady diet...
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Thank You!

Dec 10, 2012

Wow, guys! Just a quick little note to say... thank you! I was so encouraged by your kind comments, tweets & emails regarding Thursday's post - you are all seriously amazing. Your words and support truly lifted my heart + spirits, and helped me realize that I did indeed make the right decision. I'll admit, I was pretty scared to hit publish, but of course, I'm so happy I did. I feel like a huge...
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Thoughts On Blogging

Dec 6, 2012

Lately, I find myself thinking about the blog, my goals and where I'd like to see the blog in 2013. I've toyed here & there with the idea of starting a new blog (something more lifestyle related) but somehow that didn't sit right + I'd be pretty devastated not connecting with all of you guys here. Having said that though, after almost two years of documenting my outfits, I feel like I'm ready...
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Over The Weekend Snaps...

Dec 3, 2012

A few snaps from our weekend. Ours was perfectly peaceful. We had Martin's parents over for mid afternoon fruit salad, chocolates and tea. The pets were sufficiently spoiled, of course! I also tackled the Christmas tree. Yay! And I popped in on my good friend Jenn. I'm super lucky to have my bestie live across the street from me. Seriously, the girl is not allowed to move. ;) And... if you follow...
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Blog Spotlight, Third Edition

Nov 30, 2012

I'm so delighted to be bringing back this feature (it's a personal favourite) and to be featuring Virginie of Virginie's Cinema for my third edition of Blog Spotlight. I absolutely love being able to introduce you guys to my favourite bloggers, and learn a little bit more about these amazing ladies myself. I discovered Virginie early on when I first started blogging and fell head over heels for...
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Raindrops & Errands

Nov 29, 2012

Hello & happy Thursday, everyone! Yay, it's so great to be back with an outfit post. They haven't been the easiest to get this fall - the rain has been relentless and crazy heavy. Ugh. Anywho, I wore this casual but super cute look for a day of running errands with my honey. Groceries, mall, and then a rainy day walk with our pooch. And can I just say, I seriously love grocery days... we usually...
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