Thrifted Polka Dots & A Guest Post

Mar 30, 2011

{DRESS: THRIFTED, TIGHTS: JACOB, BOOTS: JOE FRESH} Hello, lovely readers! Hope everyone is having a great week so far. As for today's outfit post? It's a quick one. I'm actually over at "Sparkling Footsteps," and SO thrilled to be guest blogging for Lynzy today. Be sure to pop by and introduce yourselves. Lynz is ultra fabulous & an absolute sweetheart. I adore her! As for today's dress? I'm...
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Birthdays & Pretty Party Dresses

Mar 28, 2011

{CARDIGAN: CALVIN KLIEN, DRESS: MODCLOTH, BELT: VINTAGE, TIGHTS + SHOES: JOE FRESH} I’ve been on a down-time binge this week, but alas, all good things must end. I had to forego the top knot & comfy clothes, and get dressed for my girlfriend’s birthday party. Happy Birthday, Tracey! However, this is a good thing because my closet has been giving me the evil eye all week. But “closet's” mood did...
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Golden, Golden, Sunshine!

Mar 24, 2011

{TOP: CLUB MONACO, BELT + SKIRT: MODCLOTH, TIGHTS: JOE FRESH, SHOES H&M} I had many, many high hopes for myself. Hubs was at an acting workshop for a few days and I had a list of practical & responsible things, which I was hoping to do. Here's how it went down: High HopesHealthy breakfast, go for a jog with my pooch, wear cute clothes, clean the house! RealitySlept in, ate cold pizza, watched...
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It's a Giveaway, From Me to You!

Mar 21, 2011

Enter to win:1) Follow "Girl and Closet" via Google Connect or Bloglovin2) Leave a comment letting me know that you've entered Giveaway is open from now until March 31, 2011, and open to Canadian, American, & European readers! It's the first official "Girl and Closet" giveaway and I couldn't be more excited! I picked up this adorable pin on Etsy, made by "much love illy" because I wanted to say...
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Miso Soup & A Day Of Thrifting...

Mar 17, 2011

{JACKET: H&M, TOP, AMERICAN EAGLE, JEANS: AMERICAN EAGLE, SHOES: H&M} Just as my tittle suggests... I had yummy Japanese food, went thrift shopping, and Mr. Hubs joined me for a day of fun. I bought the cutest things, and it’s safe to say, I scored BIG! I ran out of there like a giddy teenager, and spent the next hour rattling off numerous outfit combinations to the hubs. Side note for Mr....
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Cheery Colour & A Sleep Coma

Mar 14, 2011

{CARDIGAN: KERSH, DRESS: MODCLOTH, TIGHTS: MODCLOTH, BELT: THRIFTED, SHOES: H&M} My hubs asked me out on a late lunch date! Aww, so sweet, except that I hadn’t slept most of the night and I was feeling a little loopy. Thankfully, two mini miracles occurred: 1) I got dressed 2) I managed to stay awake at the restaurant ...and that’s all I remember, presumably because I must have slipped into a...
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Vintage Syle Dresses & Yummy Sandwiches

Mar 9, 2011

{LACE DRESS: H&M, FLORAL DRESS: MODCLOTH,, BELT: MODCLOTH, TIGHTS + SHOES: JOE FRESH} Firstly, I am guest blogging over here today at "My Best Friend Jules," because word has gotten out that I like to babble fashion, guilty, so be sure to check out my interview and post. And a BIG thank you to the lovely Mervi & Helena for being such rockin' ladies, and for inviting me to hang out on...
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Tassels, Booties & Feeling Playful

Mar 3, 2011

{SCARF + CARDY: KERSH, TANK: BOBI, BELT: MODCLOTH, JEGGINGS: CITIZEN OF HUMANITY, BOOTS:JOE FRESH} I have been feeling mighty creative this week. How is that, you ask? Exhibit A) It snowed. I solved this weather dilemma by shooting in our parking lot. B) Hubs wanted to do something different for date night. Ta-da, we took pictures in our underground parking lot. Side note: "Sorry hubs, obviously...
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