Vintage Inspired Florals & Adventure...

Jan 31, 2011

{SWEATER: KIRSH, DRESS: MODCLOTH, BELT: MODCLOTH, TIGHTS: AMERICAN EAGLE,  SHOES: JOE FRESH} Hello! Hope everyone is having a great start to their week. Hubs and I had an absolutely delightful time photographing this adorable outfit. In no particular order: A) It was freakin' warm enough to wear this outfit, B) I got to hang with my hubby, C) We explored an old train station, and drum-roll please......
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Tricking Your Closet ...Into Thinking It’s Summer

Jan 27, 2011

{NECKLACE: RAUMSHOP ETSY, TEE: ARITZIA, DRESS: CLUB MONACO} I did it! I convinced my closet that it was indeed summer. OK. Granted it wasn’t easy at first, Mr. Winter jacket was totally skeptical... but I SO pulled it off. DISCLAIMER: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PARTICULAR BLOGGER DOES NOT ACTUALLY TALK TO HER CLOSET, UNLESS UNDER EXTREME DRESSING PRESSURE. I was so excited to wear something, that, well,...
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Lovey Dovey Sunday

Jan 24, 2011

{SCARF: THRIFTED, BAG: H&M, CARDIGAN: KIRSH, JACKET: H&M, JEGGINGS: CITIZIN OF HUMANITY, SHOES: GIFT FROM MUM} I was just reading somewhere that fashion bloggers all seem to have the same poses. Interesting? Apparently common poses are: looking to the side, looking down, and feet pointing inwards. Gulp! Um. Guilty, and guilty! Yes officer, I am guilty on all counts of “predictable blogger...
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Dear, Dear, Dress

Jan 21, 2011

{JACKET: JOE FRESH, DRESS: H&M, TIGHTS: AMERICAN EAGLE, NECKLACE: MADE BY ME} I LOVE THIS DRESS! I have re-mixed this dress so many times and in so many ways that I have actually tricked the hubs into thinking that I am buying way too many “white lace dresses.” He has hinted at having our friends over for a white dress intervention. Huh! ...sounds kinda fun, can I wear my white dress? For real...
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It's me "Featured" on Weardrobe!

Jan 19, 2011


{direct link here: weardrobe}

I was just sipping my mint tea and humming along to my fave "she and him" song, getting ready to update my profile on weardrobe ...and BAM! There I was on the front page. I hate to admit it (don't want you guys to think I am a dork) but I got so excited. So naturally, I had to update you via "Girl And Closet." A big thank you to weardrobe for featuring my "weekend look" and blog. It's truly so exciting!

Ha ha, now the world KNOWS that I like to steal my husband's clothes. FYI - I am wearing his jacket!
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Husband Closet Raid

Jan 17, 2011

{JACKET: MENS ESPRIT, DRESS: H&M, TIGHTS: JACOB, BOOTS: GUMDROPS} Hope it was a lovely weekend for all; mine involved: hugs from hubsme swallowing a fruit flyfeeling thankfuleating pizza walking home in a rain monsoon while wearing stilettosentertaining my husband with my whiny sarcasmmore hugs from hubsand feeling thankful! Weekend bliss? My bliss involves outfits that are fun and comfy....
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Here Comes The Rain

Jan 14, 2011

{SCARF: THRIFTED, JACKET: H&M, TOP: THRIFTED, JEANS: AMERICAN EAGLE, BOOTS: GUMDROPS} Confession time? I am supposed to be working but somehow I have ended up signing into my blogger account and am chatting about fashion. Maybe I can blame this one on my fashion doppelganger? Yup, she is my evil twin and spends all of her time photographing outfits and posting them. Me? Oh no, I have been sitting...
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Date Night Outfit

Jan 13, 2011

{SCARF: H&M, JACKET: H&M, TANK: AMERICAN EAGLE, JEANS: CITIZEN OF HUMANITY} Hubs and I go out every Thursday for date night. I love it! For these reasons, listed in no specific order... A) I don't have to cook, B) I wear something cute, C) I take a break from eating healthy, D) Hubby tells me cute & mushy things. You guys want to hear something crazy? Hubby and I have been together...
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Gulp, First Post By Silly Face

Jan 13, 2011

{DRESS: CLUB MONACO, TEE: ARITZIA/TALULA, NECKLACE: RAUMSHOP ETSY} Ok. I have done it. I have created a blogger account and started a blog. It's riveting, isn't it (insert winky face here). Although this blog may be new, I am not a new blogger. I also moonlight at Birch + Blossom, which is a fabulous fashion and design blog. I love it over there but I wanted a place, or er, blog, where I could...
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