Hello, again!

Nov 24, 2022

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Hello, friends. And a very happy Thanksgiving to my US peeps! Last week, I mentioned that I’m looking for new hosting for my blog, and itching to get back. Whelp, I did it! “Girl & Closet” is now “Hearted Life” and NOW hosted on Squarespace. You can read my latest post HERE to get the full 411, and learn about why this is such a fun & exciting change, and what’s to come!In the meantime, be...
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Neutrals, Forever And Always

Oct 18, 2016

Feels great to be back with an outfit post, but before I jump in, I wanted to say thank you for all your wonderful support regarding opening up G&C to new editorial content. So what's to come? Well firstly, I'll be cutting back on my outfit photos and posting a few times a month, so much more realistic! Then I'll be focusing on: beauty, travel, home decor, recipes and entertaining tips. I'm also...
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Century 21 Wishlist

Sep 23, 2016

I love, love discovering new shops and am so excited to be teaming up with Century 21 today. Have you guys of heard of them?! In a word... total retail yumminess! Seriously, I had so much fun picking out items for today's post and can't wait to nab several of these pieces for my own closet, especially since the prices are fantastic + Century 21 has adorable items for the home, the man in...
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Crunch, Crunch

Sep 20, 2016

Happy Tuesday everyone! I’m sipping coffee and visiting my hubby on his movie set while I type this. Fun! Other than that, life is good. We’ve been visiting lots of pretty locations for the blog and enjoying the most beautiful weather! It’s warm, but cool and the light is deliciously golden. It's been pure magic + it's absolutely my favourite time to take photos and style outfits! With that in mind,...
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Choose What You Love

Sep 15, 2016

It's my suspicion I'll have a hat firmly planted on my head until winter! This is the season, friends! It's also my goal to have more fun with fashion this autumn and beyond... this past year I feel like my style veered into much more classic territory (it's been a slice) but now I'm ready to do more thrifting, get inspired for vintage looks and quirky prints (like this dress I just ordered...
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Past Autumn Favourites

Sep 12, 2016

Clearly my love of crunching leaves and autumnal style has not waned since starting my blog in early 2011. And... holy moly! I can't believe I've been documenting my outfits & adventures for the past five years! I know lots of bloggers come, and go, but I have a feeling you guys will have a hard time getting rid of me! ;) When it comes to fashion? This is definitely my favourite time of year and...
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Almost Autumn

Sep 8, 2016

In all truth, this post should have been called "Autumn Nerd" because it would be much more telling of my current state + level of enthusiasm! Most days you'll find me running out the door wearing a floppy hat, cozy cardigan, huge grin, and making my way to Starbucks for a PSL. There's no denying my love for this season, and this year, I'm determined to check everything off my bucket list!! I'm...
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Summer's Last Hurrah

Sep 6, 2016

While I have a very autumny post lined up for later this week, today, I'm celebrating summer's last hurrah! Are you guys still enjoying the summer heat, or are the cooler temps slowly making their way? Vancouver has definitely been in full on autumn mode since September 1st -- which is fine by me! I'm excited for pumpkin spice latte's, cozy layers and switching my closet to more seasonal colours......
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